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The Coachs Scholarship Award TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY Founded by Nathan Mesher, Age 13, 2010 Assisting Ontarios Elite Soccer players to achieve.

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Presentation on theme: "The Coachs Scholarship Award TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY Founded by Nathan Mesher, Age 13, 2010 Assisting Ontarios Elite Soccer players to achieve."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Coachs Scholarship Award TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY Founded by Nathan Mesher, Age 13, 2010 Assisting Ontarios Elite Soccer players to achieve their Scholarship ambitions

2 TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY Creating opportunities for those who may not otherwise have a chance to earn a University Scholarship through excellence in Academics and Soccer. To date, Toronto Lynx players have earned over 100 such scholarships The Coachs Scholarship Award NATHANS MESSAGE The reason I founded this program is to create a Coaches Award that will allow me to help give back to players that are less fortunate than myself. By doing this, the players that receive financial assistance will have an equal opportunity to achieve a soccer scholarship together with a university education -Nathan Mesher, Toronto Lynx Juniors

3 TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY THE POWER OF COMMUNITY This award will also demonstrate how the power and good will of communities can change a youth players life forever. Nathans hope is that more communities, businesses and individuals will contribute with financial support to make it possible for even more players to improve their soccer and university ambitions, by becoming a member of the Toronto Lynx Premier Soccer Academy. U15 Boys with South African team, Chicago Youth Tournament 2009 Toronto Lady Lynx Celebration 2009

4 2010 TORONTO LYNX JUNIORS ELITE PLAYER PROGRAM Specifically designed for Elite soccer players that have ambition of soccer scholarship in Canada and the United States. A year round player development program requiring a full commitment from each player. Recent teams have proved to be very competitive against some of the top competition in North America, with no less than 3 Junior Lynx teams qualifying for North American finals in 2009. The Toronto Lynx are currently ranked #1 in the Midwest Division of the Super Y League, and #7 in North America. TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY

5 SUPER Y LEAGUE All our Junior Lynx and Lady Lynx teams will be competing in the Midwest Division of the United Soccer Leagues (USL), Super Y League (SYL). We will also enter all teams in to 7 of the highest ranked tournaments and college showcase events throughout the year, The North American SYL Championship playoffs will be hosted in Tampa Florida in November 2010. There are two playoff spots open for each age group to compete for. Full information about the Super Y League and the United Soccer leagues Organization is available at TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY

6 PROGRAM INFORMATION All teams will commence winter indoor training during the first week in January 2010. The Toronto Lynx train indoor 2 times per week until the out door season then begin 3 times per week training sessions. The Toronto Lynx Academy currently has 5 players registered with the National program, including 3 players in the Mens Olympic program. All Junior Lynx players will be registered with both the Toronto Soccer Association and the United Soccer Leagues (USL). TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY

7 No other Academy program can offer the following components, as they are exclusive to the Toronto Lynx Premier Soccer Academy. Toronto Soccer Association and Ontario Soccer Association Club Status along with Super Y status. Exclusive Opportunity for all players to be selected for United Soccer Leagues ODP recognition. Mentor program and internal pyramid of play with PDL and W League future opportunities. Provision of elite summer league opportunities for returning college players in the USL Super 20 League. Membership with the United Soccer Leagues for 14 years. Ranking #7 for 2009 of 479 North American participating Academy programs. A proven track record of placing eligible players into NCAA Soccer Scholarships in the United States, since 2004. 20 years of Academy business in Ontario. Premier soccer was founded in 1988 by Duncan Wilde. 5 Super Y League Division Championship titles. 5 Semi Final appearances at the Super Y League North American Finals. 2 Super Y league Final appearances. 1 Super 20 Final. 1 Dallas Cup final. 1 US Club Soccer New York State Championship TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS

8 PLAYER FEES Our commitment to providing and maintaining the highest level of year round soccer activities will see fees for 2010 set at $240 per month or a full payment of $2592.00. We are confident that this is the most competitive value for money opportunity within the soccer Academy market place, however we know that some players may not be able to afford this amount plus travel fees to tournaments. TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY FUNDRAISING Traditionally, the Academy has supported and assisted Year Book programs offering advertising opportunities for sponsors. The Toronto Lynx invites you to participate with sponsorships in our Year Book to contribute to The Coachs Scholarship Award The Coaches award will help offset academy fees and travel expenses for worthy players to achieve their dream of a future scholarship and higher education.

9 The Coachs Scholarship Award was founded by a 13 year old boy that saw a need with in the soccer community to give to those players that dream about a scholarship and furthering their soccer ambitions by donating over $5,000.00 raised from corporate sponsorships. The Toronto Lynx Premier Soccer Academy is an organization providing scholarship opportunities to Elite Soccer players. If you would like to donate to The Coachs Scholarship Award fund, please go to the Toronto Lynx Premier Soccer Academy website and link to The Coachs Scholarship Award page. Full details will be provided on how you or your company can contribute to this worthy fund. You will know that you are furthering a dream to reality for many Elite soccer players! TORONTO LYNX PREMIER SOCCER ACADEMY The Coachs Scholarship Award

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