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Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Operation Student Teach ZEE, We, Me Lesson Let the wild rumpus start.

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Presentation on theme: "Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Operation Student Teach ZEE, We, Me Lesson Let the wild rumpus start."— Presentation transcript:


2 Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Operation Student Teach ZEE, We, Me Lesson Let the wild rumpus start

3 Before Reading 1.Vocabulary 2.Text to Self Connection

4 Vocabulary

5 Introductory Think, Pair, Share Think of a time when you felt wild like a little wild thing. Fill in the sentence, When I feel wild, I _________. Tell me what you do when you feel wild.

6 Read with

7 While Reading 1.Stop to show vocabulary 2.Stop to make predictions 3.Stop to ask for Text to Self / Text to Text / Text to World Connections 4. Stop for make inferences

8 You have many options… use post it notes in your book to remind yourself when to teach


10 Pause during reading to…


12 Sequence

13 Make text to self connections

14 1.identify unknown vocabulary 2.Be able to share the story sequence- beginning, middle, and end. 3.Make an inference while reading (why does Max leave the land of the Wild Things/ Did this really happen) 4.Make a text to self connection Operation Student Teach Your student will…

15 Know your book Characters: Max Maxs Mother The Wild Things Settings: Maxs house Maxs bedroom The forest The ocean The Land of the Wild Things


17 Story Structure Beginning and Middle Beginning: He put on a wolf suite His mother called him Wild Thing Max said, Ill eat you up. He was sent to bed without dinner A forest grew in his bedroom Middle: He sailed off to where the wild things are The wild things roared and rolled their eyes Max stared into their eyes and tamed them He was the King of the Wild Things Let the wild rumpus start He sent the wild things to bed without supper Max was lonely He smelled good things to eat

18 Ending He gave up being King of the Wild Things The wild things cried, oh please dont go, well eat you up, we love you so. The wild things growled and roared Max waved goodbye and sailed back to his bedroom He found his supper waiting, and it was still hot

19 The relationship between Max and the Wild Things 1 st the Wild Things look scary so Max tames them Then, they say Max is the most wild thing of all Max becomes their King and they respect Max After that, they celebrate and have a wild rumpus Max likes the wild things but misses his home and mother He leaves them The Wild Things love Max and cry because they will miss him The Wild Things and Max were unsure of one another when he first arrived but they became good friends.

20 Similarities of the Wild Things and People Who noticed that each Wild Thing looked different? They are just like people. People do not all look alike either. We are different sizes, colors, heights, genders, and speak and act differently too. Some of the Wild Things are different animals, wear different clothing, and are different sizes. Similarities between Max and yourself: All children have misbehaved and have faced some type of consequence, such as, going to bed without dinner Children have dreams of far off places, such as, The Land of the Wild Things Children miss their home and family when they are away from them All children like to play and be wild


22 Text to Text Connection

23 Visualization Activity

24 After your lesson, your student should… Know the unfamiliar words in the book (eg. Mischief; Gnash; Wild) Retell the sequence of events in the story Character motivation (eg. Why did Max leave the Land of the Wild Things) Should be able to summarize the story Make a text to self connection (How did Max act when he is wild and how do you act when you are wild)

25 Assessment Oral - Talk Written- Quiz Fluency Check -

26 . What did Max's mother call him the night he wore his wolf suit? Max Wild Thing a naughty boy What grew in Max's room that very night? a forest a flower a garden What did Max's mother call him the night he wore his wolf suit? Max Wild Thing a naughty boy What grew in Max's room that very night? a forest a flower a garden What hung from his bedroom ceiling? clouds ropes vines What did Max sail on in his private boat? a river an ocean a lake How did Max tame the wild things? He stared into their yellow eyes without blinking once. He snapped his fingers. He touched them with a magic stick. The wild things called Max the most wild thing of all and said he was mean. told him to go home. made him the king of all wild things.

27 What did Max do after the wild rumpus? He sent the wild things off to bed with no supper. He sailed back home. He cried. Why did Max give up being king of where the wild things are? He smelled good things to eat. He was scared of the wild things. He was cold. What did the wild things say to Max when he was leaving? "Oh please go, and never come back." "Oh please don't go – we'll eat you up - we love you so!" "We will miss you so!" Max sailed back over a year and in and out of week and through a day and into the night and ended up where? At his grandparents house. In the kitchen of his very own house. In his very own room. What was waiting for Max? his parents his supper the wild things Who is the author of the story, Where the Wild Things Are?

28 Wows!

29 Be Enthusiastic and Confident Have fun

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