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Directions: 1. Print game board. 2. Gather marker pieces and a die from around the house. 3. Taking turns, roll the die and move marker. Say the animal.

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Presentation on theme: "Directions: 1. Print game board. 2. Gather marker pieces and a die from around the house. 3. Taking turns, roll the die and move marker. Say the animal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directions: 1. Print game board. 2. Gather marker pieces and a die from around the house. 3. Taking turns, roll the die and move marker. Say the animal in Spanish correctly befor being able to roll and move again. An answer key is on the third slide, should your child need help. Also, please note that there are a few animals that your 5K student has not learned and these can be given to him/her. These are indicated on the answer key with two ** before the word. Los Animales (5K- 1 st grade)

2 SALIDA (start) Salta. (Jump.) Pierde un turno (Miss a turn.) Salta. (Jump.) Toma otro turno. (Take another turn.) Regresa un espacio. (Move back 1 space.) Adelanta un espacio. (Move ahead 1 space.) FIN (end)

3 SALIDA (start) Salta. (Jump.) Pierde un turno (Miss a turn.) Salta. (Jump.) Toma otro turno. (Take another turn.) Regresa un espacio. (Move back 1 space.) Adelanta un espacio. (Move ahead 1 space.) FIN (end) oso gato cabra gallina vaca pato elefante mono caballo **jirafa **león **cebra cerdo perro oveja tigre

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