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BASED ON THE TUTORIAL ON THE BOOK CD Verilog: Gate Level Design 6/11/2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "BASED ON THE TUTORIAL ON THE BOOK CD Verilog: Gate Level Design 6/11/2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 BASED ON THE TUTORIAL ON THE BOOK CD Verilog: Gate Level Design 6/11/2014 1

2 Verilog 6/11/2014 2 Each Verilog model is of a particular "level." The level of a model depends on statements and constructs it contains. The levels of Verilog models are: Behavioral Register Transfer (RT) Gate, and Switch Chapter 4 : Gate level

3 Objectives 6/11/2014 3 predict the output of a gate level Verilog model given its inputs describe how to correct a gate level Verilog model given its source code, inputs and output write a Verilog gate-level model corresponding to a given simple schematic determine the schematic for a gate level Verilog model given its source code

4 NetList 6/11/2014 4 module DEC1OF8 (X0B, X1B, X2B, X3B, X4B, X5B, X6B, X7B, SL0, SL1, SL2, ENB); output X0B, X1B, X2B, X3B, X4B, X5B, X6B, X7B; input SL0, SL1, SL2, // select signals ENB; // enable (low active) //Module Description not // invert SL0-SL2, N1 (sl0b, SL0), // & ENB N2 (sl1b, SL1), N3 (sl2b, SL2), N4 (enbb, ENB); nand // select outputs NA1 (X0B, sl2b, sl1b, sl0b, enbb), // (low active) NA2 (X1B, sl2b, sl1b, SL0, enbb), NA3 (X2B, sl2b, SL1, sl0b, enbb), NA4 (X3B, sl2b, SL1, SL0, enbb), NA5 (X4B, SL2, sl1b, sl0b, enbb), NA6 (X5B, SL2, sl1b, SL0, enbb), NA7 (X6B, SL2, SL1, sl0b, enbb), NA8 (X7B, SL2, SL1, SL0, enbb); endmodule

5 Module embedding 6/11/2014 5 module vabc (d, s); input [1:0] s; output [3:0] d; not (s1_, s[1]), (s0_, s[0]); and (d[3], s1_, s0_); and (d[2], s1_, s[0]); and (d[1], s[1], s0_); and (d[0], s[1], s[0]); endmodule module abc (a, b, c, d, s1, s0); input s1, s0; output a, b, c,d; not (s1_, s1), (s0_, s0); and (a, s1_, s0_); and (b, s1_, s0); and (c, s1, s0_); and (d, s1, s0); endmodule

6 Module abc in vabc 6/11/2014 6 module vabc (d, s); input [1:0] s; output [3:0] d; abc a1 (d[3], d[2], d[1], d[0], s[1], s[0]); endmodule

7 Module Definition + Gate Level Diagram 6/11/2014 7 module abc (a, b, c, d, s1, s0); input s1, s0; output a, b, c,d; not (s1_, s1), (s0_, s0); and (a, s1_, s0_); and (b, s1_, s0); and (c, s1, s0_); and (d, s1, s0); endmodule

8 4-bit Adder : Lets write Verilog Source 6/11/2014 8

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