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Research Question: Would a penguin make a good pet in my home?

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Presentation on theme: "Research Question: Would a penguin make a good pet in my home?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Question: Would a penguin make a good pet in my home?
Mr. Popper’s Penguins Research Question: Would a penguin make a good pet in my home? Research Goals! Physical Characteristics! Habitat! Recommended Penguin Websites! “Waddle” into Penguin Information! Diet! Other Interesting Facts! Penguin Fun!

2 Research Goals! Your team will be assigned one of the seventeen types of penguins. As a group you will locate information on its physical characteristics, natural habitat, diet, and other interesting facts. This information will be recorded on a graphic organizer. Please print one copy of the organizer for your group! After all information is recorded your team will decide: Would a penguin make a good pet in my home?

3 “Waddle” Into Penguin Research!
For general information on penguins please put on your headphones and watch the video, Animal Profiles – Penguins © 1988 Rainbow Educational Media Another source for gathering general information on penguins is the video, Antarctic Antics © 2000 Weston Woods

4 Physical Characteristics!
To learn about the physical characteristics of your penguin please visit the recommended web sites to gather information about: Height? Weight? Body covering? How do they stay warm? Arrangement of feather color? Any other “physical characteristics” that you find interesting! Find a picture of your penguin on one of the web sites and print it. Be sure to share it with the class. Record at least three facts in the appropriate square on your graphic organizer.

5 Habitat! To learn about the natural habitat of your penguin please visit the recommended web sites to gather information about: Which continent does your penguin live on? Which hemisphere is this continent in? What is the average temperature of this continent? Where does your penguin spent most of its time? Land or water? Anything else that is interesting about your penguin’s habitat! Record at least three facts in the appropriate square on your graphic organizer.

6 Diet! To learn about the diet of your penguin please visit the recommended web sites to gather information about: What do they eat? How much to they eat? Anything else that is interesting about your penguin’s diet! Record at least three facts in the appropriate square on your graphic organizer.

7 Other Interesting Facts!
To learn about other interesting facts for your penguin please visit the recommended web sites to gather information about: Baby penguins? How are they born? How are they cared for? Does this penguin have predators? Is your penguin considered endangered? Report any other facts you find interesting! Record at least three facts in the appropriate square on your graphic organizer.

8 Recommended Penguin Websites!
Penguin Slide Show Penguins Around the World Penguin Planet Pete & Barb’s Penguin Pages Penguin Cards Penguin Species Notes Listen to a penguin Endangered Penguins Life Cycle of Penguins

9 Penguin Fun… When the graphic organizer is done!
Test your knowledge on penguins: Quizzes about penguins Science Experiments Materials are provided at the science learning center! How do penguins keep warm in cold climates? How do emperor penguins keep their eggs warm? Have a laugh: Antarctica Jokes

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