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How do we manage market forces in Education: an impossible task?

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Presentation on theme: "How do we manage market forces in Education: an impossible task?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we manage market forces in Education: an impossible task?

2 The Moral Questions Moral Purpose Moral Compass – Values, Skills and Understanding Moral Courage

3 The political context Four increasingly divergent UK systems The English System Two distinct periods Is there to be a third period?

4 The Political Mantra Choice Diversity Autonomy Equity Equality Accountability

5 Holding the Politicians to Account: improved policy making How will it help all children including those gaining least from the system at present? How will it increase respect for and trust in teachers? How will the undesirable effect of the market be limited? How is the principle of subsidiarity observed?

6 Holding the Politicians to Account: improved policy making - The Wigan Test What does an independent panel say about the evidence that this policy will work when measured against the above criteria - Select Committee - HMI - Research

7 What Do Parents and their Children want of schools? To unlock the mind and open the shut chambers of the heart To help their children think for themselves and act for others To have an increasingly confident grasp of the skills for life To enable them to walk a step or two of the way with genius To discover the Kes factor

8 What role have universities in this endeavour? A preferred destination? A respected formative influence for teachers….first degree…higher degree…ITE..CPD? A provider of research evidence? Making research a defining theme of schooling?

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