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Balance of trade: Mexican behaviour.. Concept It is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy over a certain.

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Presentation on theme: "Balance of trade: Mexican behaviour.. Concept It is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy over a certain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balance of trade: Mexican behaviour.

2 Concept It is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy over a certain period. It is the relationship between a nation's imports and exports.

3 Mexican Case Mexico reported a trade deficit equivalent to 232 Million USD in November of 2011. Mexico is the biggest exporter and importer in Latin America. Mexican trade is fully integrated with that of its North American partners: close to 86% of Mexican exports and 50% of its imports are traded with The United States and Canada. Mexicos major exports are: manufactured goods, oil and oil products, silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee and cotton. Mexico imports mainly metalworking machines, steel mill products, agricultural machinery and electrical equipment.

4 BT=X-M

5 Balance with NAFTA countries.

6 With Southamerica

7 Europe.

8 Asia

9 Africa

10 BRIC and Mexico

11 China and USA

12 Summary

13 Conclusions Mexico is one of the most opened countries in the world. BRICs countries are not important in Mexican Economy China is gaining national Market. Our trade relationships with rich countries is to import of technology.

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