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Smart Mobs Key: AWL to Study, Low-frequency Vocabulary What is a Smart Mob?

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Presentation on theme: "Smart Mobs Key: AWL to Study, Low-frequency Vocabulary What is a Smart Mob?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Smart Mobs Key: AWL to Study, Low-frequency Vocabulary What is a Smart Mob?

2 The Smart Mob Movement Smart Mobs evolved as a consequence of modern communication technologies. SMS (short message service) or texting Raves the first Smart Mobs Can you list a few examples of modern communication technologies?

3 SMS Technology Young people in Tokyo and Helsinki sent the first text messages to give the location of the next big dance event. A single message can be sent to an address book. SMS technology allows large groups to form quickly. Do you like to send text messages? Why or why not?

4 Younger GenerationLed the Way Younger Generation Led the Way Smart Mobs large groups empowered by Internet-enhanced communication devices turning up everywhere to accomplish diverse goals What types of goals do you think a Smart Mob can achieve?

5 Political Goals A massive demonstration against a corrupt Filipino leader was organized through the use of SMS. What is a corrupt political leader?

6 Other Demonstrations Anti–Miss World and WTO demonstrations were also mobilized through the use of SMS. Have you ever witnessed or taken part in a demonstration? Explain.

7 Virginia Tech Incident An English major shot and killed 32 people at Virginia Tech High School. Texting, webcam, and cellphone video were used to let victims know how to avoid danger. Have you ever used a webcam or cellphone video?

8 Environmental Goals Critical-mass bike rides are an international phenomenon. Rides are organized via web postings and mobile phone trees. Goal to demonstrate that cycling is a practical alternative to driving. Do you support the goal of this movement?

9 Mating Rituals Dating services are part of some cellphone packages. Fill in a personality profile. Find out when a potential match is in close range. Tracking device powered by Bluetooth technology short-range radio frequency operates within 10-meter radius What is your opinion of dating using Bluetooth technology?

10 Dating and Technology Dating via texting and Bluetooth technology is taking off in a big way. India, Saudi Arabia, and UAE Dating prior to marriage is not accepted by the majority. Without parents knowledge, young people are meeting and getting to know potential mates. How do your parents feel about your texting habits?

11 Peer-to-Peer Software Large groups pirate music, video, and software. The peer-to-peer paradigm connects individual computers to transfer specific files. This process is illegal. Creative software makes it almost impossible to track users. Have you ever used peer-to-peer software?

12 Distributed Computing Makes use of the unused power of individual computers Users download screensavers. Combined computer power assists in treatment of diseases, weather prediction for global warming, and searching for extra-terrestrial intelligence. The shared power of millions: another Smart Mob? Would you donate your computers unused power to serve a good cause? Explain.

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