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I) Growth of Industries A) railroads Americas 1 st big business Promontory Point, Utah 1) Transcontinental Railroad (1869)

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3 I) Growth of Industries A) railroads Americas 1 st big business Promontory Point, Utah 1) Transcontinental Railroad (1869)

4 Americas 1 st trust (form of monopoly) B) Standard Oil: John D. Rockefeller C) US Steel: Andrew Carnegie D) Thomas Edison light bulb movie camera phonograph

5 II) Pro-Business Government (laissez-faire) leave alone A) Morrill Act created A&M Colleges B) Interstate Commerce Act regulate business that crosses state lines C) Sherman Antitrust Act designed to break up monopolies

6 III) Indian Wars (1492-1868 (then) 1876-1890) A) Little Big Horn (1876) Sioux Indians, led by Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull, wiped out Custers cavalry B) Wounded Knee (1890) last battle of the Indian Wars

7 C) Bureau of Indian Affairs government management of the reservations (areas of poor land set aside for the Indians) 1) Dawes Act of 1887 (assimilation)

8 IV) The West A) Cattle Ranching (Big Business of the West) Blacks who settled in Nebraska in 1874 B) Settlement 1) Exodusters gave away free land to encourage settlement 2) Homestead Act & Timber Culture Act

9 3) barbed wire, McCormick reaper, & steel plow C) Frederick Jackson Turners Turner Thesis said that the American frontier acted like a safety valve and people could pack up and move West to start over in times of trouble. It eased the pressure on society. John Deere

10 D) dime novels & wild west shows E) conservation preserving the environment Buffalo Bill Cody V) The Gilded Age a term coined by Mark Twain in which America looked good on the outside (rich & prosperous), but underneath it had many social problems

11 A) Social Darwinism applied Charles Darwins theory of natural selection, as written in his Origin of Species, to society in that those who were strong enough to do well would do so and all the others would fail in other words, its the survival of the fittest in everyday life

12 B) conspicuous consumption showing off ones wealth

13 C) Political Corruption 1) Tweed Ring (Tammany Hall) controlled NY City politics 2) Grant Administration (1868- 1876): Credit Mobilier railroad bribery scandal 3) Assassination of James A. Garfield by a man who wanted a government job (led to the Pendleton Act)

14 4) Grover Cleveland only President to serve two nonconsecutive terms

15 VI) New Immigrants New = those who came to the US after the Civil War (Old = those who came before) New = Catholic & Jewish from S. & E. Europe (Old = Protestant from N. & W. Europe)

16 1) Ellis Island for immigrant processing

17 B) tenements C) nativism cramped housing for the poor in large cities discrimination against those not born here 1) Chinese Exclusion Act & the Gentlemens Agreement limited Asian immigration

18 D) sweatshops where people worked long hours for little pay

19 VII) Elections of 1896 & 1900: Williams Jennings Bryan (D) vs. William McKinley (R)

20 Gold Standard: the government could only print money that equaled the amount of gold they had. A) Gold Standard vs. Silver Standard With more silver available than gold, they could print more money & more people could have access to it. Supporters of this bimetallism included Midwest farmers who were part of the Grange Movement, Populist Party, & the former Greenback Party.

21 VIII) Spanish-American War (1898) A) Imperialism taking over someone else's country imperialism is Social Darwinism in practice because the stronger country is taking over the weaker one

22 1) Open Door Policy America's answer to the Spheres of Influence in China where anyone could trade their instead of specific areas of foreign economic control

23 B) Yellow Journalism 1) William Randolph Hearst: you provide the pictures, and Ill provide the war sensationalizing a story to sell more papers

24 C) USS Maine D) Theodore Roosevelts Rough Riders: San Juan Hill (Cuba)

25 A) Social Gospel IX) Reform Christian ideals (opposite of Social Darwinism) B) Settlement Houses: Hull House (Jane Addams) where the poor learned to take care of themselves C) Civil Service Act of 1883 (reformed government hiring practices) because of the assassination of Garfield (Pendleton Act)

26 D) American Federation of Labor (1 st large- scale union) 1) Samuel Gompers 2) collective bargaining negotiations between a union & a business 3) Pullman Strike its a federal crime to interfere with the delivery of the mail

27 E) Muckrakers 1) Ida Tarbell (Standard Oil) investigative journalists 2) Upton Sinclair (The Jungle) exposed unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry a) Pure Food & Drug Act

28 X) Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt: The Square Deal A) Big Stick policies progressives = those who want social change through government regulation speak softly & carry a big stick

29 1) trust-busting 2) Dollar Diplomacy breaking-up monopolies (Sherman Antitrust Act) using Americas wealth to influence foreign policy (Latin America) 3) Roosevelt Corollary the United States would intervene in the affairs of Latin American countries as per the Monroe Doctrine

30 4) Panama Canal US encouraged a Panamanian uprising to build canalmakes quicker passage between oceans

31 B) Election of 1912: Bull Moose Progressive Party (third party)

32 XI) Presidency of Woodrow Wilson: New Freedom A) Federal Reserve Act the Federal Reserve is the governments bank & handles Americas monetary policy B) Progressive Amendments 1) 16 th income tax 2) 17 th direct election of Senators 3) 18 th Prohibition 4) 19 th womens suffrage

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