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“Day E” March 22, :51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science

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Presentation on theme: "“Day E” March 22, :51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Day E” March 22, 2017 7:51 - 8:51 Math 8:53 - 9:53 Science
7: :51 Math 8: :53 Science 9: :55 Exploratory 10:57 -11:27 11:29 -11:59 12:01-12:31 Social Studies LUNCH 12: :33 English 1: :35

2 DO NOW: Take out packet and H.W.
Take a whiteboard & marker and solve this problem.

3 Lets Try one more: Determine the volume of that prism if the height is quadrupled (multiplied by 4)

4 I will be able to develop, understand and apply the formulas for finding the volume of right rectangular prisms and cubes So I can apply volume formulas to determine the volume of composite solid figures in real-world contexts. I will show that I understood complete at least 2 real world problems independently or with my partner with 80% accuracy. 6.G.A.2

5 Let’s think about this for a minute…

6 I/We do…. Pg. 75 #3

7 Go to pg. 75 #5 I do/we do… Find the VOLUME of the composite figure.
V= (l)(w)(h)

8 V= (l)(w)(h)

9 How do you feel about this lesson?

10 You do…….Pg #4 and 6

11 You do…….Pg #4 and 6

12 How do you feel about this lesson?

13 Pg. 75 & 76 #4 and #6 If you finish early, please try: Pg , 70 and 71 Pg

14 Ticket to Go

15 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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