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FCRN Sustainable Diets & Behaviour Change A Retailer Perspective Moira Howie Nutrition Manager 22 nd /23 rd April.

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Presentation on theme: "FCRN Sustainable Diets & Behaviour Change A Retailer Perspective Moira Howie Nutrition Manager 22 nd /23 rd April."— Presentation transcript:

1 FCRN Sustainable Diets & Behaviour Change A Retailer Perspective Moira Howie Nutrition Manager 22 nd /23 rd April

2 RecommendationWhy?Are we meeting it? Fruit and vegetables At least 5x80g/d risk some cancers, CVD and other chronic diseases 4.4x80g/d Oily fishAt least 1x140g/wk risk CVD0.4x140g/wk Added sugars< 11% energy (~60g/d) risk dental caries12.5% energy FatAverage 35% energy risk CVD and energy density of diets Average 35% energy SaturatesAverage 11% energy risk CVD and energy density of diets Average 12.8% energy FibreAverage 18g/dTo improve GI healthAverage 14g/d Alcohol3-4 units/d (); 2-3 units/d () Minimise risk of liver disease, CVD, cancers, injury from accidents and violence 60% ()exceed 44% () exceed SaltAverage 6g/d risk hypertension and CVD Average 8.6g/d Body weightBMI 18.5-25kg/m2 risk some cancers, CVD and other chronic diseases 66% ( ) & 56% () over BMI 25

3 This imbalance is driving poor health in society The promotion of a balanced, nutrient dense diet, and an improvement in the quality and variety of the diet would contribute to better health and reduce the risk of nutrition-related ill-health and disease. Important to remember that meat and dairy foods are good sources of many of the nutrients that are deficient in the UK diet so simply cutting down may make our diets even more deficient. We need to swap for nutrient dense alternatives

4 Only 16% of people act on social & environmental concerns 72% have green intentions but fail to act on them Source: ERM research report April 2014

5 Healthy Basket Food messages –Plenty of fruit & veg –Include fish every week –Choose wholegrain –Meat & alcohol free meals & days –People sized portions

6 Wealth of information/inspiration Customers always want more recipes BUT are they cooking from scratch

7 Sustainable shopping – a start Range – What is possible & acceptable Layout – Make it easy Message – Linking benefit to the individual

8 Replace…Reduce…Reformulate

9 Reprice…Respect…Rebrand 3 for 2 throughout the fruit & veg promotional year Shopping with the season Alternative proteins – lupin/pea - the meat free butcher

10 Outcomes Behaviour change will be incremental Layouts/Displays may influence purchase Dietary cultural shift is a big hurdle – disruption On line activity – good opportunity to trial Learn from other areas of behaviour change

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