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Integrated Planning Facilitated Discussion Results Stella, Missouri November 17, 2006.

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1 Integrated Planning Facilitated Discussion Results Stella, Missouri November 17, 2006

2 1. Options/Variety Provide different kinds of housing and housing locations Market rate housing seems appropriate – the may not be a big need for low-income housing – affordable housing is important Be sure to accommodate the housing needs of current residents Water accessible views A variety of housing prices is appropriate – intermix housing types

3 1. Options/Variety Higher density housing in prime locations – access to community features (the creek) open to everyone A more commercial district near the creek might be best. Too much dense housing near the creek could impair access. Elderly folks may be interested in condos or apartments – make it handicap accessible The community wants to attract folks to live their that are willing to make an investment and have pride – not transients Ranchettes seem good – block housing

4 2. Long-Range Changes To Infrastructure Gray water systems, sewage systems evolution in the long run Sports courses and public areas can be irrigated with gray water (water from sinks and showers) This area of Missouri is classified as sensitive because of the Karst nature of the geology and thin topsoil layer – the community should be educated on appropriate care and use (MDNR can help/regulate) Consider septic system alternatives

5 2. Long-Range Changes To Infrastructure Wind turbines – perhaps the city to own – some people oppose – must be beneficial to land owner – what are impacts to wildlife? National Renewable Energy Laboratory has information and resources on applying wind turbines Crowder College is planning tests to see if wind energy if feasibility

6 3. Development Strategies/Sequences/Phasing Allow flexibility for the community to grow (or shrink) over future generations Strengthen riparian corridor, fields, parks, Frisbee golf Start tree planting in areas that are not actively grazed - be cautious of grazing and foraging animals damaging trees and plants – fences may be required Cattle need water, but ranchers know to limit access to the creek to avoid erosion

7 3. Development Strategies/Sequences/Phasing Make improvements now –Use existing resources to create a youth center/hang out –Housing: fix up existing houses, increase density in core area –Consider interim uses of existing housing –The school needs housing for teachers

8 3. Development Strategies/Sequences/Phasing 25% tax credit available for upgrading historic buildings –Must be eligible –Tax credit on income –Credits can be sold Taylor Tax Service upgrade as a good example

9 4. Additions/Changes/Improvements What will happen to Ozark Street if the walking center is created? –Stella residents recall a cohesive downtown block –Ozark Street does have historical significance –Consider creating two fronts to the store –Maintain Ozark Street look, but it will serve as access. –Downtown on Ozark Street has no view of creek –Parking on Ozark Street can be a problem The Senior center is somewhat separate from the town History – use hospital site centrally

10 4. Additions/Changes/Improvements Dont tear down the Historical Society Building – a concept that is important to the residents New development and maintaining history are not mutually exclusive, but phased changes can get managed Wheres the service station – near the parking lot? Wheres the hospital/clinic? The old hospital site could be a water bottling business or housing or ?? Have both – walking area and the main street Consider a wheel-spoke design – easy to get to shops, etc.

11 5. Implied Changes To Local Administration Whos going to help the city government implement this? The city has a great committee – good, educated people The city just needs time Intermediate step – have clear vision to guide development and get County to agree that proposals for development will go through Board of Trustees to meet the vision. Form a beautification team of local residents and work on one property at a time to improve the look of the community HUD money may be available through the state for façade upgrades, energy efficiency, etc.

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