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Integration of Family Services Professor Trevor Parry.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of Family Services Professor Trevor Parry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of Family Services Professor Trevor Parry

2 The Science of Early Brain Development The first 3 years of life Secure attachment Early literacy Cortisol and stress Social and emotional determinants of health From Neurons to Neighbourhoods

3 Early Childhood Services Co-location Co-ordination Collaboration Integration

4 Early Child Development/Parenting Centres

5 Variety of programs -universal, selected,targeted Play based learning, language, development Health appraisal/promotion Parenting enrichment and support Relationship enrichment Adult skills development Specific needs Training and research

6 Preschools Local school authorities Public health Munici- palities Community services Parks & recreation Early intervention Health Social services Education Family support Chaos Child care Parenting centres Childrens mental health centres Kindergartens

7 WHY?!!

8 Stages of Social and Emotional Development - Freud First Year of life – Dependancy Second Year of Life - Independence Preschool – 3-5 - Socialisation

9 It takes a whole village to raise a child

10 What kind of village?


12 Changes in society Service delivery difficulties Worsening developmental outcomes New knowledge regarding child development Changes in families WHAT TO CHANGE More supportive communities Better interface between services and communities Better integrated service system New knowledge regarding early intervention

13 A Canadian example of Integration

14 Teen Family Centre, Balga Senior High School

15 Integration Challenges Attitude shifts Professional development Political commitment and leadership Champions Cooperation, collaboration and partnerships Vision and sustainability

16 The best interest of the Child !




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