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Monday, October 16th Take Fruits and Vegetables Quiz

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, October 16th Take Fruits and Vegetables Quiz"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, October 16th Take Fruits and Vegetables Quiz
Get into groups for pie contest Fill in your agenda with: Fruits and Vegetables Quiz Discuss Pie Contest

2 Tuesday, October 17th Today will be Day 1 of making our Apple Cinnamon Cakes. We will make the batter and put the cakes in the ovens today and enjoy eating our cakes tomorrow! Fill in agenda with: Day 1 – Making Apple Cinnamon Cakes Eating the cakes tomorrow

3 Wednesday, October 18th! Fill in your agenda with:
Enjoy Apple Cinnamon Cakes today! Make sure kitchens are very clean. Complete Lab evaluation. Make sure you are prepared for pie contest tomorrow and you have all your ingredients. Fill in your agenda with: Enjoy Cinnamon Cakes Complete Lab Evaluation

4 Thursday, October 19th! Today we will be making our pies for our pie contest. Get started with your pies as soon as you come in. Please put pies in the oven today! We will eat the pies tomorrow Bring in poster board for Monday’s fast food poster project! Fill in your agenda with: Pie contest Fast Food Poster Project begins Monday!

5 Friday, October 20th Today we will announce the pie contest winners! Winners will receive 10 extra credit points. Bring in poster board for Monday’s fast food poster project. Fill in your agenda with: Enjoy pies Bring in poster board for Monday!

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