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RR-TAG (802.18) Liaison Report

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Presentation on theme: "RR-TAG (802.18) Liaison Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 RR-TAG (802.18) Liaison Report
April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 July 2010 RR-TAG (802.18) Liaison Report Date: Authors: Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

2 April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 July 2010 Abstract This presentation is the midweek plenary report of the liaison for the IEEE 802 Plenary in San Diego, California. Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

3 Regulatory AHC Activities
July 2010 Regulatory AHC Activities Presented regulatory summaries from North America, the EU and Asia Reviewed the latest information regarding EN revision Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

4 July 2010 IEEE Activities Siemens asked the RR-TAG for support to ask the TCAM to have ERM TG11 “start over” in their revision of EN chair provided edited text for an ITU-R WP-5A document describing as “the” IEEE standards work on cognitive access in the TVWS Worked on a letter to the FCC representing the IEEE 802 position on “harmful interference” to counteract a similar letter from IEEE-USA Ofcom presented an update on status of their TVWS geolocation database Worked on a response to an ITU-R WP-5A document on 60 GHz Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

5 References July 2010 April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0
Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

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