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IEEE Regulatory Ad Hoc Committee Closing Report

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Regulatory Ad Hoc Committee Closing Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE 802.11 Regulatory Ad Hoc Committee Closing Report
April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 September 2010 IEEE Regulatory Ad Hoc Committee Closing Report Date: Authors: Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

2 April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 September 2010 Abstract This presentation is the closing report for the Waikoloa meeting of the IEEE Regulatory Ad Hoc Committee. Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

3 Agenda Administrative items Introduction The regulatory summaries
September 2010 Agenda Administrative items Required notices Approve minutes from San Diego Introduction The regulatory summaries Regulatory issues status The impending FCC TVWS rulings EN revision update FCC 5 GHz rules changes update Critical issues actions Discussion of Wi-Fi Direct in the 5 GHz bands Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

4 Regulatory AHC Activities
September 2010 Regulatory AHC Activities Discussed regulatory summaries from North America and the EU The impending FCC TVWS rulings, the FCC 5 GHz rules changes update ERM TG11 - EN revision update status Essential test suites being written Next meeting is in October (conflicting with the Wi-Fi Alliance meeting) ETSI BRAN to begin revision of EN Issues considered critical at this time Should IEEE involve itself in Wi-Fi Direct issue? Could lead to FCC redefinition of Software Defined Radio regulations Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

5 September 2010 The SDR Issue The FCC sees Wi-Fi Direct as a problem mainly because systems in the field, not certified as 5 GHz master devices, can be upgraded to operate as masters. They have dealt with APs that could turn off DFS when upgraded with open source code. These have not been considered as Software Defined Radios...yet. If they start classifying all of these devices that can be upgraded with open source code as SDRs, it could be problematic Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

6 April 2009 doc.: IEEE /xxxxr0 September 2010 References reg-waikoloa-meeting-plan-and-agenda-sept-2010.ppt Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion

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