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May 2014 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG13 MG OWC Closing Plenary Slides Date Submitted:

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Presentation on theme: "May 2014 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG13 MG OWC Closing Plenary Slides Date Submitted:"— Presentation transcript:

1 May 2014 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: TG13 MG OWC Closing Plenary Slides Date Submitted: 11 May 2017 Source: Volker Jungnickel Fraunhofer HHI Address Einsteinufer 37, D Berlin, Germany Voice: , FAX: , Re: n/a Abstract: TG13 Closing Plenary Slides Purpose: Closing plenary report to WG15 for May 2017 meeting Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P Volker Jungnickel, Fraunhofer HHI

2 TG13 MG OWC March 2017 Closing Plenary Report
May 2014 TG13 MG OWC March 2017 Closing Plenary Report Volker Jungnickel, Fraunhofer HHI

3 Meetings/Contributions
May 2014 Meetings/Contributions New TG13 has been formed in Daejeon Chair: Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI) Technical Editor: John Liqiang (Huawei) Vice Chair: Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi) Secretary: Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi) / John Liqiang (Huawei) 7 meeting slots have been used in Daejeon for Spring Cleaning TG13 completed resolving all comments against D1 of TG7m. 3 PHYs will be maintained  TG Motion #1 PHY II: high bandwidth, limited spectral efficiency PHY VII: limited bandwidth, high spectral efficiency PHY VIII: high bandwidth, high spectral efficiency Volker Jungnickel, Fraunhofer HHI

4 May 2014 TG13 Motion #1 TG13 moves that the following sections in D1 from TG7m will be removed in D0 of TG13 10. PHY I 12. PHY III 13. PHY IV 14. PHY V 15. PHY VI Moved by Nikola, Seconded by John Approved by unanimous consent. Volker Jungnickel, Fraunhofer HHI

5 Next steps D0 of TG13 will be ready before June 7
May 2014 Next steps D0 of TG13 will be ready before June 7 Comments received until July 2 will be considered in Berlin For Berlin, 8-10 sessions have been requested The TG agreed that more detailled technical discussion is needed TG13 plans Ad-hoc July in Berlin, hosted by Fraunhofer HHI Further comments against D0 can then be submitted until August 27 Comments will be resolved finally in September  TG13 Motion #2 Volker Jungnickel, Fraunhofer HHI

6 TG13 Motion #2 TG13 moves that
July 2013 TG13 Motion #2 TG13 moves that The Technical Editor is authorized to correct all comments against D1 of m and produce D0 of which will form the basis of further work. Volker Jungnickel is authorized to provide a corrected FrameMaker Version of Section 17 of D1 of m to the Technical Editor. It is planned to make D0 of available before June 7. Comments received until July 2 meeting will be considered at the July Plenary meeting. Further comments against D0 of can be submitted until August 27. Moved by Volker, Seconded by Nikola Motion is approved by unanimous consent. <author>, <company>

7 Timeline for TG13 in 288/r0 May 2014 March 2017 (Vancouver)
- PAR and CSD for TG13 got approved, new contributions discussed April 2017 Additional comments against 15.7m submission May 2017 (Daejeon ) - Comments resolution against D1 of TG7r1 June 2017 Generate D0 of TG13 Comment submission July 2017 (Berlin) Commen resolution Decision on LC in  MAC Ad-hoc meeting in Berlin after Plenary August 2017 Comment submission against D0 September 2017 (Kona) Finalize comment resolution against D0 October 2017 Generate D1 of TG13 November 2017 (Orlando) Comment resolution against D1 December 2017 - Comment submission against D1 January 2018 (Irvine) Final comment resolution against D1 February 2018 Generate D2 of TG13 Volker Jungnickel, Fraunhofer HHI

8 Timeline for TG13 in 288/r0 (2) May 2014 March 2018 (Rosemont)
Resolution of final comments Start LB process April 2018 - Receive LB comments May 2018(EU) LB comment resolution Start recirculation July 2018 Start SB process August 2018 - SB comment resolution September 2018 Standard is submitted to RevCom Get on the agenda of telco November 2018 Hopefully standard is published Have party Volker Jungnickel, Fraunhofer HHI

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