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Vilius, 17 May 2010 Marcel Hertogh, Programme Director Network for the dissemination of knowledge on the management and organisation of Large Infrastructure.

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Presentation on theme: "Vilius, 17 May 2010 Marcel Hertogh, Programme Director Network for the dissemination of knowledge on the management and organisation of Large Infrastructure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vilius, 17 May 2010 Marcel Hertogh, Programme Director Network for the dissemination of knowledge on the management and organisation of Large Infrastructure Projects in Europe Towards NETLIPSE Goals: Work to Date and the Road Ahead

2 The Decision: The 4 Activities NumberActivity 1Expanding NETLIPSE network 2The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination 3Developing the Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool (IPAT) 4Developing a training programme

3 1.Expanding and Formalising the Consortium NumberDeliverable 1.Expanded NETLIPSE network 2.Study regarding future organisational structure

4 1.Expanding and Formalising the Consortium NumberDeliverable 1.Expanding NETLIPSE network Goal: 15 Member States

5 0 1.Expanding and Formalising the Consortium FINLAND Finnish Transport Agency FRANCE Ministère de l'Écologie, de l'Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer HUNGARY Ministry of Transport, Telecommunication and Energy ITALY Interporto Regionale della Puglia 1 2 3 4

6 4 1.Expanding and Formalising the Consortium MALTA Malta Transport Authority NETHERLANDS Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Watermanagement (Rijkswaterstaat) POLAND Polish Ministry of Infrastructure SLOVAKIA Ministry of transport, posts and telecommunications of the Slovak republic 5 6 7 8

7 8 1.Expanding and Formalising the Consortium SLOVENIA Ministry of Transport SWEDEN Swedish Transport Administration UNITED KINGDOM Department for Transport SWITZERLAND Bundesamt für Verkehr 9 10 11 12

8 1.Expanding and Formalising the Consortium NumberDeliverable 1.Expanded NETLIPSE network 2.Study regarding future organisational structure NETLIPSE from 2011 Discussion European Commission, June Thoughts from you!

9 2.The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination NumberDeliverable 3.Renew the internet website 4.Maintaining the internet website 5.Special interest groups 6.Network meetings 7.Electronic Magazine 8.Disseminating results: conferences

10 2.The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination NumberDeliverable 3.Renew the internet website 4.Maintaining the internet website You can register yourself!

11 2.The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination NumberDeliverable 3.Renew the internet website 4.Maintaining the internet website 5.Special interest groups

12 Special Interest Groups (SIGs): are created for specific topics. members will organise group discussions on separate themes, can prepare publications etc. are coordinated by issue managers. 2.The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination

13 Special Interest Groups (SIGs): are created for specific topics. members will organise group discussions on separate themes, can prepare publications etc. are coordinated by issue managers. Current SIGs: Business Cases Matt Dillon, Joost van Blokland Procurement & Contracting Prof. Konrad Spang, Rob de Jong Stakeholder management and Communication Pau Lian Staal Project Management Prof. Brane Semolic 2.The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination

14 NumberDeliverable 3.Renew the internet website 4.Maintaining the internet website 5.Special interest groups 6.Network meetings

15 Network Meetings: Exchanging knowledge and experiences Discussing actual topics in our work Visiting projects Up-to-date with NETLIPSE developments Meeting each other Warsaw Lisbon London Zurich Turin Zagreb 2.The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination Vilnius

16 2.The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination NumberDeliverable 3.Renew the internet website 4.Maintaining the internet website 5.Special interest groups 6.Network meetings 7.Electronic Magazine

17 NETLIPSE Magazine: In depth articles about management and projects Interviews Book Review Information about our Network Forthcoming activities 2.The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination

18 NumberDeliverable 3.Renew the internet website 4.Maintaining the internet website 5.Special interest groups 6.Network meetings 7.Electronic Magazines 8.Disseminating results: conferences

19 3.Developing the Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool (IPAT)

20 NumberDeliverable 9.Presentation of draft IPAT 10.Assessment reports 3 pilot projects 11.Evaluation and sharpening the IPAT to an operational version 12.IPAT Brochure 13.IPAT Assessors Manual

21 3.Developing the Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool (IPAT) NumberDeliverable 9.Presentation of draft IPAT Projects (modality): 1.Betuweroute ((rail) 2.Ring road Bratislava (road) 3.Gotthard Base Tunnel (rail) 4.HSL-South (rail) 5.Lezíria Bridge (road) 6.Lisbon – Porto (rail) 7.Lötschberg Base Tunnel (rail) 8.Maaswerken (water) 9.Motorway A2 (road) 10.Motorway A4 (road) 11.Motorway E18 (road) 12.Nuremberg – Ingolstadt (rail) 13.Øresund bridge (road & rail) 14.Unterinntalbahn (rail) 15.West Coast Mainline (rail)

22 12 Themes: T 1 Political Context T 2 Objectives, Purpose and Business Case T 3 Functional Specifications T 4 Interfaces T 5 Stakeholder Management T 6 Finances T 7 Legal procedures T 8 Technology T 9 Knowledge T10 Organisation and Management T11 Contracting T12 Risks (Threats and Opportunities) 3.Developing the Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool (IPAT)


24 NumberDeliverable 9.Presentation of draft IPAT 10.Assessment reports 3 pilot projects West Coast Main Line Gotthard Base Tunnel Femern Belt

25 3.Developing the Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool (IPAT) NumberDeliverable 9.Presentation of draft IPAT 10.Assessment reports 3 pilot projects 11.Evaluation and sharpening the IPAT to an operational version 12.IPAT Brochure 13.IPAT Assessors Manual Work on Progress

26 4.Developing a training programme NumberDeliverable 14.Plan for IPAT-Assessors course 15.IPAT-Assessors course Just started

27 4.Developing a training programme NumberDeliverable 14.Plan for IPAT-Assessors course 15.IPAT-Assessors course 2 nd Course: The LIPs Management Course: Focus on providing a theoretical basis and insight into experiences of LIPs in Europe. To be developed in a next stage of NETLIPSE. Pilot: PAO Course, Delft of University, September 2010.

28 These were the 4 Activities NumberActivity 1Expanding NETLIPSE network 2The NETLIPSE network knowledge exchange and dissemination 3Developing the Infrastructure Project Assessment Tool (IPAT) 4Developing a training programme

29 Thank you for your attention Enjoy your stay in Vilnius !

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