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Urinary System: Outcome: I can describe the main structures found in the kidney and their functions. Drill: What are the four main structures/organs in.

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Presentation on theme: "Urinary System: Outcome: I can describe the main structures found in the kidney and their functions. Drill: What are the four main structures/organs in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urinary System: Outcome: I can describe the main structures found in the kidney and their functions. Drill: What are the four main structures/organs in the urinary system?

2 Renal cortex Cortical nephron Juxtamedullary nephron Renal medulla
Types of nephrons and their location Renal cortex Cortical nephron Juxtamedullary nephron Renal medulla Minor calyx © Pearson Education, Inc. © Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.3 3

3 Gross and Microscopic Anatomy of the Kidney
Nephrons Microscopic functional units of the kidney Two types Cortical nephrons 85 percent of all nephrons Located primarily in the cortex Responsible for most regulatory functions Juxtamedullary nephrons 15 percent of all nephrons Long nephron loop extending deep into medulla Essential to producing concentrated urine © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

4 Segments of a Nephron Nephron components Two components
Renal corpuscle Blood pressure forces water and solutes out of the glomerular capillaries in a process called filtration Produces filtrate (protein-free solution, similar to blood plasma) Collected in the surrounding capsular space Renal tubule Tubular passageway up to 50 mm long Receives filtrate and modifies it to create urine © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

5 Segments of a Nephron Nephron segments Renal corpuscle
Glomerular capsule (cup-shaped chamber) Capillary network (glomerulus) Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) Reabsorbs nutrients from the filtrate (now called tubular fluid) © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

6 Nephron Collecting System Figure 24.4 1 – 2 2 4 Proximal Convoluted
Overview of a nephron and the collecting system Slide 1 Nephron Collecting System 2 4 Proximal Convoluted Tubule Distal Convoluted Tubule Renal tubule 1 Renal Corpuscle Efferent arteriole 5 Collecting Duct Afferent arteriole Glomerular capsule Descending limb of loop begins Ascending limb of loop ends Capsular space Glomerulus 3 Ascending limb Nephron Loop 6 Papillary Duct KEY Filtrate Water reabsorption Variable water reabsorption Solute reabsorption or secretion Descending limb Variable solute reabsorption or secretion © Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.4 1 2

7 Arcuate arteries Cortical radiate arteries Afferent arterioles
Arterial blood flow in the kidney Arcuate arteries Cortical radiate arteries Afferent arterioles Interlobar arteries Segmental arteries Glomerulus Renal artery © Pearson Education, Inc. © Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.5 1

8 Circulation Patterns in the Kidney
Arterial system Renal artery delivers blood to kidney branching into: Segmental arteries in the renal sinus, which branch into: Interlobar arteries running within renal columns and branching into: Arcuate arteries that arch along the boundary between the renal cortex and renal medulla and branch into: Cortical radiate arteries that branch into: Afferent arterioles that supply each nephron, specifically a capillary knot known as a glomerulus © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

9 Cortical radiate veins
Venous blood flow in the kidney Cortical radiate veins Arcuate veins Interlobar veins Renal vein © Pearson Education, Inc. © Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.5 1

10 Circulation Patterns in the Kidney
Venous system Cortical radiate veins collect blood from the capillaries of the nephron and drain into: Arcuate veins, then to: Interlobar veins, which drain into the: Renal vein, which drains into the inferior vena cava © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

11 Minor calyx Major calyx Hilum Renal pelvis Ureter Figure 24.3 2
Frontal section of a human kidney Minor calyx Major calyx Hilum Renal pelvis Ureter © Pearson Education, Inc. © Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 24.3 2

12 Urinary System: Exit Ticket: Describe the pathway of blood flow into the kidney. What arteries are being pass through (in order)?

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