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Creating Resiliency through Sustainable Collaboration April 24, 2013 Presented by the Thrive Community Resiliency Task Force.

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1 Creating Resiliency through Sustainable Collaboration April 24, 2013 Presented by the Thrive Community Resiliency Task Force

2 What does resiliency mean to you? Being prepared to recover from a natural disaster. The ability to plan for, react to, and resolve a dangerous situation. Ability to respond to circumstances in a healthy way. Flexibility After a trauma or difficult challenge, being able to bounce back to ones original or better position / state and be prepared for the next challenge. To focus and flourish on the positive in the face of adversity. Its like making lemons from lemonade. Being able to continue and push through no matter what it takes. Resiliency means having the inner strength to manage and respond in a meaningful way to whatevers thrown at you, and come away with positive results. Being nimble and able to adapt.

3 What does resiliency mean to you? Up and running the next day, helping. Agile, flexible. The substantivity over time of anything. This can be an overall community or personal. It is defined by how someone deals with life in general. The ability to overcome challenges and the capacity to address change. Being able to bend without breaking. Organizational ability to continue to provide needed services in coordination with public and private partners in difficult times. Preparation and rebound. The ability to overcome adversity and shine through. Reviving and in my case, starting a new program for the mentally ill.

4 What does resiliency mean to you? Ability to keep operations going in the aftermath of a disaster. Lasting a long time, and flexible to meet the needs of the situation. Survival! Tenacity! Be proud. Being able to roll with the punches, bounce back, dominate hardships. A key theme for the 21st Century and beyond.

5 How are you creating Sustainable Collaborations? Working with other local nonprofits on sustainability education, workshops, etc. Meeting regularly with other nonprofits in my interest area. Re-establishing core concepts for safety, and solid foundation. Being assertive as opposed to passive. Being a positive light among the darkness. By making inter-agency connections and maintaining open lines of communication with the public. In working with existing partners in faith and energy efficiency networks to expand our visibility to increase resources and recruit volunteers. By working with various groups, agencies, police, fire and neighbors we are creating sustainable collaborations, which will have a positive impact. Creating disaster plans with partner agencies in the county.

6 How are you creating Sustainable Collaborations? We serve our clients and our mission best with continued collaborations, providing unduplicated needed services. Through relationships, networking and MOUs. Senior support. 1 + 1 = 3 is our goal. Look for partners who complement your expertise. Partnering with neighborhood organizations outside our town.

7 How are you creating Sustainable Collaborations? Building and maintaining relationships with other agencies that will be providing long term recovery support in the areas where we work. Doing programs on campus. Continual education courses with continual networking. By engaging community partners and beneficiaries with the Fund to address a specific problem that communities assume are fixed or do not exist. We work with girls between 7 and 11 to teach them to learn more about sustaining their bodies, their minds and their planet. Creating and building solid networks of agencies looking at improving the greater good and focusing on the needs of the greater community. Weve established a committee of Jewish nonprofits on the north peninsula to discuss preparedness and security issues.

8 Thank you to the generosity of our sponsors: Mark Moulton

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