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Supporting Environmental Improvement in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia OECD/EAP Task Force Secretariat

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1 Supporting Environmental Improvement in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia OECD/EAP Task Force Secretariat ECENA Plenary Meeting

2 Regulatory Environmental Programme Implementation Network (REPIN)  Established in 1999  Environmental inspectors (national and regional agencies) and policy-makers (Policy and Permitting Department) from 12 countries  Experts from OECD and CEE countries, NGOs and business, representatives of donor agencies  Other networks (IMPEL, ECENA, Green Customs, Ozone, INECE)  Annual meetings, expert meeting, guidelines, manuals, case studies, demonstration projects, etc.

3 Policy Instruments: Progress in 2004-2005  Guidelines for Integrated Permitting finalised  Case studies on the transition to integrated permitting in Ukraine and the Kyrgyz Republic with follow-up projects (Ukraine-World Bank-Sweden and Kyrgyzstan-Finland-EBRD)  Training sessions on integrated permitting based on the guidelines organised for western EECCA countries and Central Asia.  Discussions with Moldovan government and the UNDP on a project to reform water quality standards  A report on the reform of pollution and product charges in Armenia finalised and adopted by the Armenian Environment Ministry

4 Integrated Environmental Permitting Guidelines: The Outline An integrated environmental permitting procedure for a competent environmental authority; An integrated permit application form with instructions for industrial operators; An integrated environmental permit form with instructions for a competent environmental authority; Guidance on the combined use of the environmental quality-based and technique-based approaches in setting emission limit values for large industrial installations; Guidance on the strategic approach to the gradual introduction of integrated permitting for large industry in EECCA countries; and Guidance on environmental permitting for small and medium-sized enterprises.

5  Performance-oriented budgeting, methods for financing permitting and enforcement activities, and ways to close budget gaps examined;  Introduction of performance rating and information disclosure schemes in Kazakhstan, Russian, and Ukraine;  Development of policy recommendations and technical guidance on self-monitoring, based on a pilot project in Kazakhstan. Compliance Assurance Instruments: Progress in 2004-2005

6 Funding Environmental Compliance Assurance: Purpose of the Study Analyse approaches, sources of funding, budgeting process and expenditure management of environmental enforcement agencies in OECD/CEE countries Provide countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) with good international practice to address the shortage of resources for environmental enforcement

7 Structure of the Report Institutional Profiles of Inspectorates Funding principles Sources of funding, variations, limitations Budgeting Planning and Management Addressing the budget/resource deficit –raising efficiency or reducing demands –seeking additional funds

8  Two peer reviews in the Kyrgyz Republic and Armenia, involving reviewers from IMPEL members, ECENA and EECCA  Case studies on environmental compliance and enforcement indicators in Armenia and Russia  Two demonstration projects to provide broad support for reform of inspectorates in Georgia and Kazakhstan  Inspector Toolkit widely disseminated;  Training of Inspectorate managers in Kyrgyzstan (in cooperation with Finland) and Armenia. Enforcement Institutions: Progress in 2004-2005

9 Key Activities in 2006 Regional and national trainings on integrated permitting and inspection (Moldova, Ukraine, Russia) Institutional strengthening projects in Georgia and Kazakhstan REPIN meeting in mid June 2006 EECCA Environmental Policy Conference in mid September 2006

10 Possible REPIN Inputs to Belgrade Ministerial Conference  Guiding Principles of Effective Environmental Permitting Systems  Progress in Implementing the Guiding Principles for Strengthening Environmental Enforcement Agencies  Proceedings from the Conference on Effectiveness and Efficiency of Environmental Policy Instruments in EECCA  In addition: a number of guidance documents, regional and country-specific reports, analysis, case studies and other practical tools

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