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Science/Social Studies:

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1 Science/Social Studies:
T.C. Knapp Elementary Mr. Boggs’ 3rd Grade Class Week of February 17th, 2014 Math: In math this week, we will be moving into the customary system of measurement used in the United States. The students will use inch, half-inch, quarter-inch, yard, foot, and mile as units of measurement for length while estimating and measuring given lengths. The students will also use ounce, pound, and ton as units of measurement for weight and read scales in ounces and pounds. Next week, the students will measure capacity with a cup, pint, quart, and gallon as well as estimate and find the actual capacity of a container. REMINDER: Although we are learning about customary measurement this week, students are still required to study their math facts each night for 10 minutes until all facts are mastered. Science/Social Studies: We will soon begin a unit on rocks in science. Stay tuned for this importance announcement very soon! Dear Families, Thank you to all of the parents who showed up last week at Parent-Teacher Conferences ! It was very nice speaking to each and every one of you. Also, thank you to all of our room parents for throwing an amazing Valentine’s Day party last Friday! The students had a great time relay racing and locating the Valentine’s bear throughout the classroom. Sincerely, Mr. Boggs Reading This week in reading, we will continue with the selection entitled, Young Thomas Edison. Please remind your child that as they read this biography they should look for… information about why Thomas Edison was important, his life events in time order, and opinions based on facts. Our target skill of the week will again focus on main idea and details. The students will explain how details are used to support the main idea of a paragraph or story. Lastly, we will continue to focus on the vowel sound heard in talk. This will include the letters au, aw, al, and o. The students will have their test over this reading selection on Friday, February 21st. Spelling A spelling word search has already been sent home for Lesson 10. The students will have their spelling test over this lesson on Friday, February 21st.

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