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8/30: Internal and External Conflict in Literature

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Presentation on theme: "8/30: Internal and External Conflict in Literature"— Presentation transcript:

1 8/30: Internal and External Conflict in Literature

2 What is conflict? Conflict is the struggle between opposing forces.
Protagonist (good guy) is the main character in literature Antagonist (bad guy) is in conflict with the main character.

3 What is External Conflict?
The struggle between a character and an outside force. 3 types of external conflict Man versus Man: The struggle is between two or more characters in the story. Man versus Nature: This type of conflict pits a story's main character or characters against a natural force such as a flood, predatory animal, or disease epidemic. Man versus Society: usually when the protagonist battles against the government or society.

4 What is Internal Conflict?
The conflict between a person and himself is always called: Man versus Self: The struggle or opposition is within one character making a tough decision, for example. A character struggling to overcome fear, addiction, emotional damage or other crippling personal issue.



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