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Visual Vocabulary Elements of art, principles of design, and much more!

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Vocabulary Elements of art, principles of design, and much more!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Vocabulary Elements of art, principles of design, and much more!

2 Let’s start with elements: Line - One-dimensional, measured by length. Can be vertical, horizontal, zigzag, curved or diagonal. Space - The emptiness around or within objects (Shapes and forms are defined by space.) Negative space. Texture - How things feel (actual texture), and are perceived (implied texture). Shape - An enclosed space defined by other elements of art. Shapes take on the appearance of 2 or 3- dimensional projects.

3 The last three elements: Value - Describes the lightness or darkness of a color. Value is needed to express volume. Color - Color has three properties 1) Hue, the name of the color, e.g. red, yellow, etc. 2) Intensity or the purity and strength of the color such as brightness or dullness. And 3) value, or the lightness or darkness of the color. Form - Form is 3-dimensional and encloses volume. Cubes, spheres, and cylinders are examples of various forms.

4 Which element is prevalent?





9 Some important words. Contrast – The darkness or lightness in an image. Highlights: Areas of white that are bright which create form or shape. Shadow: Shaded areas. Composition – The way the design elements are used to organize the image. Design: plan, organization, or arrangement of art elements. Unity – The wholeness or oneness of the elements in the image. Harmony: Creates unity by stressing similarities of separate but related parts. Proportion (scale) - Refers to the relationships of the size of objects in a body of work. Proportions gives a sense of size seen as a relationship of objects. such as smallness or largeness.

10 Notice contrast:

11 Notice composition:

12 Notice unity:

13 And how about proportion?

14 Now, the Principles! Rhythm - Visually indicates movement by repetition of elements. Emphasis - Makes one part of an image dominate over another. Repetition - The technique for creating rhythm, single elements appear again and again. Movement - Creating the illusion of action or physical change. Balance - Equalizing visual elements in a work of art. Contrast - You’ve heard this one… Unity - Remember this?

15 Notice the principles: Principles are employed to piece together the elements of art to create a sound image. Rhythm, emphasis, repetition, movement, balance, contrast, unity





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