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Presentation on theme: "CONFLICT RESOLUTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 RISING TO THE OCCASION Divide into pairs
Sit back to back on the floor and link elbows By pushing against each other, try to get up to a standing position Have a few volunteers or have the whole class participate. Discuss the steps they had to take to accomplish the goal. Did communication play a key role?

3 PERSONAL REFLECTION "When I get into a conflict, I usually ..."
Have students discuss how they have solved a conflict.

4 What is Conflict? A conflict is a struggle between two people or groups who have opposing views. Each person has a unique way of viewing and reacting to every situation. The ability to resolve a conflict is an important skill in good communication.

5 TYPES OF CONFLICT Some are small
Disagreement between two people over where to eat lunch Disagreements can grow into larger conflicts if the two people are not willing to reach an agreement peacefully. Conflicts can be between groups Conflicts can occur within families Between husbands and wives Parents and children Between siblings

6 IDENTIFY THE CONFLICT The first step in dealing with conflict is identifying the specific cause of the conflict. There are several common causes of conflict:

7 CAUSES OF CONFLICT A lack of common understanding
Poor communication skills Unclear or unfair expectations Power plays and manipulations Opposing viewpoints or opinions Emotions Selfishness Miscommunication or misunderstandings Assumptions

8 RESOLVING CONFLICT Listen to what the other person is trying to say and avoid jumping to conclusions. Avoid trying to plan your next comment while the other person is talking. Communicate non-defensively and non-aggressively. No one can communicate well when they feel like they are being attacked. Stay calm and be direct. Be truthful about how you are really feeling. Do not use statements like “you always” or “you never” when having a disagreement. Use “I” statements instead when disagreeing with someone. You are stating how you feel instead of criticizing the other person. This means you are taking ownership for your feelings. Mediation may be needed to help reconcile differences between conflicting parties. Compromise

9 STORY OF THE ZAX Play video ….During the slide show, the video will appear. YOU MUST ENABLE EDITING FOR THE VIDEO TO PLAY

10 DON’T BE ZAX!!!


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