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Eating Disorders Prevention Presentation

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1 Eating Disorders Prevention Presentation

2 Low self-esteem and negative body image are risk factors?
Reducing Risk Factors Eating disorders are complex conditions that have many contributing factors, not one single cause. Early detection and intervention are critical to treatment success, so knowing and protecting against known risk factors can be key. Did you know… Low self-esteem and negative body image are risk factors? They often lead to dieting, which can develop into a full-blown eating disorder.

3 Questions about self-esteem, appearance and body image
What is self-esteem? What contributes to self-esteem? What is appearance related to? What is body image? What is a negative body image? What influences your body image?

4 Possible definitions of self-esteem and appearance
Self-esteem is: A person’s idea of his or her own self-worth. Belief in yourself. Self-respect. Possible contributors to self-esteem: Talents, intelligence, special hobbies and interests, sports, friends, strong family support, faith and appearance Appearance is also related to body image, because it’s not always how you look but what you think of how you look that makes a difference.

5 Possible definitions of body image
Body image is: the way you think and feel about your body’s shape, height, and weight. It’s what you believe about your appearance. It's the image you create in your mind when you think of the way you look. Negative Body Image is: feeling ashamed, self-conscious, and anxious about your body image, which is often a distorted perception of one's body size, shape or physical characteristics. A person with a negative body image may believe that only others are attractive and that their own body size or shape is a sign of personal failure. Question: What influences your body image?

6 Factors that may influence body image
Media, cultural values and sports expectations: Unrealistic expectations for appearance projected by the media, cultural values including aesthetics, gender roles and expectations, and participation in sports. Opinions of Peers and Romantic Interests: NEDA surveyed 500 Seattle high school students about what influenced their body image. Over 50% of girls said what boys and friends say counts most. Parents’ comments: While shopping for clothes, getting dressed, or eating meals together, the things your parents say about your body or their own body may influence your body image. Remember: Your comments, positive or negative, can have a life-long impact on others' self-esteem. Make your impact a positive one.

7 How do I make positive comments?
Comment on and compliment others on things other than their physical appearance. Focus instead on others’ characteristics, skills, and personal talents. What are some examples of compliments you could give a friend about something other than their appearance, every day? “Thanks, your comments were helpful!” “Great job on your presentation!”

8 Media and genetics facts
The average person sees 3,000 ads per day 1/3 of these ads speak directly to beauty and appearance Most models are thinner than 98% of women in the U.S. Genetics strongly influence our bone structure, body size and shape Guys and girls will gain pounds during a year of puberty AND this is healthy and natural

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