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Shawlands Primary School

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1 Shawlands Primary School
Information Evening KS2 (Years 3 and 4)

2 Staffing Year 3 – Miss Hargreaves/Miss Ward and Miss Clarke
Year 4 – Mrs Gilroy/Miss Kaye/Mrs Clark and Mr Rollinson Year 4 – Miss Darrington/Miss Hepworth and Mr Rollinson

3 The School Day 9 am– Registration 9 – 9.15am – Quiet reading
9.15 – 9.30am - SPaG 9.30 – am - Literacy 10.30 – am – Break 10.45 – pm - Maths 12.15 – 1.15 pm – Lunch 1.15 – 1.45 pm – Guided Reading/Handwriting 1.45 – 3.30 pm – Topic (PE Wednesdays) 2.30 pm – School Mile 3.30 pm – Home time

4 Parents and Communication
Please have a look at our school twitter page and website. Join our Dynamic Dragons Twitter Feed for regular updates of what we have been up to and any useful information.

5 Homework Spellings given out on a Monday for a test on Friday morning.
Half-termly topic based activities given out for the children to complete 4 activities, one from each line during a 6 week period. Weekly times table work or basic skills. Please encourage your child to read everyday for at least 15 minutes and record what they have read in their reading diary.

6 The Curriculum- Core Maths – Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Fractions, Shape and Space, Geometry, Data Handling, Multiplication and Division. Reasoning and problem solving a key part of syllabus Literacy – Narrative, poetry, Non-Fiction – Recounts, Reports, Explanations, Discussion texts SPAG – Word Classes, all areas of punctuation, sentence level work etc Guided Reading everyday - comprehension

7 The Curriculum- Foundation Subjects
Term 1’s topic is ‘That’s Entertainment’ – Musicals and Films this term. Our chosen film is Shrek. Science Topics – Sound and Electricity. Geography – Mountains and Rivers History – The Iron Age and Early Civilizations Music – Writing and performing a song

8 Extra Curricular Various sports clubs are available everyday of the week – see letters sent out. Music groups – keyboard, guitar, recorder, flute, choir, violin, clarinet. Drama club Art and Craft club

9 Behaviour and Rewards There are several behaviour and reward schemes in place. Dojo points - various rewards for the most points etc – see further information from Mr Thompson Reading miles – 50 entries in a reading diary – Bronze, 100 – Silver, 150 – Gold.

10 How can you help your child?
Please ensure your child learns all their times tables every week up to 12 x 12 using instant recall to help them with their maths. Encourage them to be independent and ensure they look after their own property and be ready to learn. Ensure your child brings their PE kit in on a Monday. Listen to your child read every night. Support your child to follow the school rules – the 6 R’s.

11 What to do if you have a problem?
Send a note with your child if there is a problem. Contact the office and let them know what the problem is to see if they can help. E mail the teacher and let them know any issues and if you or your child need any support. Make an appointment to meet with the teacher if required. Contact Mr Thompson to discuss any issues further.

12 Class Specifics- Dynamic Dragons– Year 4 – Miss Darrington
PE Day – Wednesday, please get your child to bring their PE kit (both indoor and outdoor) on a Monday and leave in school till Friday, so they can access any other sports clubs during the week. Homework – See activity sheet Spellings – Given out on a Monday for a test on Friday. Best time(s) to speak to the teacher – After school.

13 Any questions?

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