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Presentation on theme: " Renewable Energy in Germany Dr. Konrad Bauer Quelle (Bild): BMU / Brigitte Hiss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable Energy in Germany Dr. Konrad Bauer Quelle (Bild): BMU / Brigitte Hiss

2 International consulting firm located in Berlin Many years of experience in external economic promotion Comprehensive know-how in foreign market development for German SMEs Specialization in marketing products, services and technology in the environmental technology and renewable energy sectors Global experience with a specific focus on the USA and Brazilian markets enviacon international

3 Participants NameBusinessTechnology & Products Steffen BayerMAGE Solar PV Gerhard TravnicekIBC SOLAR AG PV power plants Filip CasaerREC Systems Germany GmbH PV Aneta HoltmannGrammer Solar GmbH Building integrated PV, PV power plants, Solar thermal, Island systems, Hybrid systems, Solar air systems Dominik HammerSunset Energietechnik GmbH Building integrated PV, PV power plants, Wind (small), Island systems, Hybrid systems Iva AllaverdiGehrlicher Solar AG Building integrated PV, PV power plants Jürgen MäurerET Solutions AG Building integrated PV, PV power plants Mathias KrahlHelonius GmbH PV power plants, Solar thermal, Small hydropower plants, On-shore wind, Small wind power plants, Off-grid systems, Hybrid systems

4 Promotion of Renewable Energy in Germany

5 EU % Germany % RE-Percentage Power Consumption 2020 34.5*min. 35 RE-Percentage Thermal Energy 202021.4*14 RE-Percentage Transport Sector Usage 2020 10 Reduction of CO2-Emissions 2020 (Basis 1990) 2040 Percentage RE Gross Final Energy Consumption 2020 2018 Goals of the EU and German Parliament Quelle: BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, 2012 *based on projections from National Action Plans

6 Goals of the German Parliament in line with the Energy Transition Pull-out of nuclear energy by 2022 Dynamic development of renewable energy Development and modernization of energy grids Escalation of energy efficiency Buildings Mobility Energy Consumption Quelle: BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, 2012

7 Power Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) Thermal Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energies in the Heat Sector (EEWärmeG) Market Stimulus Program Fuel Biofuel Quotas Act Biofuels Sustainability Ordinance Legal Facilitation for Renewable Energy in Germany

8 Electricity

9 Sustainable development of power supply Diminish national economic cost of power supply by inclusion of long term external effects Conserve fossil fuel sources Facilitation of technologic advancements for power generation from renewable resources Goal of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) Quelle: BMU, 2011

10 Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) Quelle: bdew, 2012 Guaranteed Compensation EEG Apportionment Market Revenue Electricity Exchange Transmission Grid Operator

11 EEG Apportionment as a Share of the Electricity Price Quelle: BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, 2012

12 Current EEG – Rate of Remuneration 9.29 12.57 16.28 17.01 19 25 Quelle: BMU, 2011, Fachverband Biogas, 2012 Wind – On-shore

13 Alternative Promotion Models Quelle: Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien, 2010, Institute for Sustainable Solutions and Innovations, 2005 Quota – Regulations Electricity suppliers must fulfill fixed quotas Proof of fulfillment by certificate Market prices for certificates fluctuates Expansion capped (lack of incentive for investment that exceed quota) Contracting Model State offers contracts for production Offer with the lowest price receives funding Competition determined by price Investment only after rounds of bidding

14 The main instruments for promoting electricity from renewable energy sources in the EU Member States

15 Thermal Energy

16 Promotion of Heat Generation from RE – EEWärmeG Focus on newly constructed buildings Minimum percentage RE in new buildings (alternative: compensating measures like power-heat cogeneration, waste heat, long distance heating, reinforced insulation) Binding target: 14% RE by 2020 Targets: Reduction of CO2 emissions, resource conservation, contribution to safer and more sustainable energy usage Role model function of public buildings Support for local authorities through BMU Quelle: BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, Aug. 2012

17 Promotion of Heat Generation RE – Market Stimulus Program Since 1994 Focus on existing buildings Yearly alignment with technology levels defined in administrative regulations Investment grant from the Federal Agency for Economy and Export Control, low interest loans from the KfW Support given in 2011: 229 million Euros; Investment: 1.3 billion Euros Different approach than EEG: governmental subsidies as opposed to passing cost on to consumer Quelle: BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, Aug. 2012

18 Technologies in Overview

19 Largest Advantage: decentralized generation and usage 1999: 100,000–Roofs Program Tremendous acceleration through EEG in April 2000 Substantial cost reduction in recent years Grid parity expected mid-decade Long-term prognosis for solar energy on rooftops: 30% Photovoltaic in Germany: Potential for Cost Reduction Quellen: BEE, Solarenergie: Lieferanting von Strom und Wärme, 2012 Copyright: BMU / Brigitte Hiss

20 GermanyWorld Installed Capacity 2011 25 GW70 GW Generated Electricity 2011 19.3 TWhn/a Percentage of Electricity Usage 2011 3.2 %n/a Investments in Facilities 2011 15 bn. Eurosn/a Total Industry Turnover 2011 1.02 bn. Eurosn/a Industry Export Quota 2011 60%n/a Quelle: BMWi, Energiedaten, Tabelle 20, 2012, BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, Internet-Update ausgewählter Daten Dez. 2012, REN21, Renewables 2012 Global Status Report, 2012, BSW-Solar, Statistische Zahlen der deutschen Solarstrombranche (Photovoltaik), 2012 Photovoltaic: Electricity generation in numbers

21 Matured Technology Main form is water heating Increasingly hybrid installation (water heating, heating support) Percentage of hybrid installations among newly added systems Germany in 2011: 50% Biggest unutilized potential in old buildings Solar Heating Quelle: BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, 2012, BEE, Solarenergie: Lieferantin von Strom und Wärme, 2012 Copyright: BMU / Oberhäuser

22 Solar Thermal Energy: Heat Generation in Numbers DeutschlandWelt Installed Capacity (Heat) 2011 10.7 GW232 GW Generated Heat 2011 5.6 TWhn/a Percentage of Heat Production 2011 0.4%n/a Investment in Plants (Heat) 2011 1.1 bn. Eurosn/a Total Industry Turnover 2011 230 mill. Eurosn/a Quelle: BMWi, Energiedaten, Tabelle 20, 2012, BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, Internet-Update ausgewählter Daten Dez. 2012, BEE, Solarenergie: Lieferantin von Strom und Wärme, 2012

23 Significance of Renewable Energy

24 Percentage Final Renewable Energy Consumption in Germany 2011 Quelle: BMU, Entwicklung der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland im Jahr 2011, Stand: Dezember 2012

25 The Power mix in Germany in 2012

26 Development of electricity generation from renewable energies in Germany

27 Renewable and Fossil Heat 2011

28 Profitability

29 Quelle: BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, 2012 Cost structure for one kilowatt-hour of electricity for household consumers

30 Comparison of Electricity Production Cost (2012) Quelle: Fraunhofer ISE, Studie Stromgestehungskosten Erneuerbare Energien, 2012 Also in Germany still no grid parity Onshore Wind energy plants achieve competitiveness in comparison with conventional means of energy production

31 Revenues from the operation of renewable energy installations in Germany, 2011

32 Employment in Germanys renewable energies sector Quelle: BMU, Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, 2012

33 Thank You

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