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1 Starring…

2 The Three Friendly Frogs:
Frank Fran Fred

3 Once upon a time, there were Three Friendly Frogs who were bored with pond life.
“Let’s play on the computer,” said the first friendly frog. “Good idea!” squeaked the second frog. “Let’s go on the Internet,” said the third frog. They all agreed and hopped on the computer. (Well, not really…)

4 “Yes, but only the green ones…” “I like lily pads. Do you?”
The three friendly frogs decided to visit a chat room on the Internet. They began typing messages to other frogs they met there. “Yes, but only the green ones…” “I like lily pads. Do you?” But, there was something the friendly frogs did not know….

5 The frog they were chatting with really wasn’t a frog
The frog they were chatting with really wasn’t a frog. It was a gigantic, hungry snake… and if you know anything about frogs, you know frogs really shouldn’t be friendly with snakes. I am SSSteve the Frog What is your name?

6 SSSteve told the frogs he was very lonely and had no one to play with
SSSteve told the frogs he was very lonely and had no one to play with. The frogs, being the Friendly Frogs they were, felt bad for the frog. “Will you play sssssome games with me?” asked SSSteve. “Sure! Come on over to our pond!” replied Fred the Frog. “Wait Fred…I’m not so sure,” said Fran, thoughtfully. “Our parents aren’t home and plus, you don’t know where we live,” typed Frank. What do you think the Friendly Frogs should do?

7 I wish those tasty Frogs would let me come over!
“That’s OK,” typed SSSteve, “My parents can drive me to your pond. How do you get there?”

8 So, they decided to invite SSSteve the Frog over to their pond.
Two of the frogs conferred together. “This doesn’t feel quite right,” said Fran. Frank was tired of the whole thing. “Can’t we go back to the pond? I’m thirsty.” “Come on… let’s not be ‘Fraidy Frogs. We’ll have someone new to play with- it will be fun!” exclaimed Fred. So, they decided to invite SSSteve the Frog over to their pond.

9 The frogs anxiously awaited the arrival of their new
friend. After about an hour, they saw their pal, Harry the Hawk flying in fast. “Hello Frogs. I met your new friend as I was flying home. I’m sorry to say SSSteve is NOT a frog at all! He is a gigantic snake who wanted to eat you all! No need to worry- I had myself quite a nice dinner. Hopefully you have learned a lesson about making friends on the Internet. Have a good day…”

10 The Frogs eagerly thanked the Hawk and were grateful to be safe.
“Let’s never do that again!” said Frank. The End The Three Friendly Frogs have learned some lessons about using the Internet. They would like to share some Safety Tips with you…

11 Source:
First, remember never to give out personal information such as your name, home address, address, school name, or telephone number in a chat room or on bulletin boards. Never send a picture of yourself to someone you chat with on the computer without your parent's permission. Never write to someone who has made you feel uncomfortable or scared. Do not meet someone or have them visit you without the permission of your parents. Tell your parents right away if you read or see anything on the Internet that makes you feel uncomfortable. Remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Source:

12 Now it’s time to see what you have learned
Now it’s time to see what you have learned! Take this short quiz to review Internet Safety: 1. It is OK to get on the Internet and go to chat rooms without your parents’ or teacher’s permission. False True 2. You should never give out personal information on the Internet, especially to someone you don’t know. False True 3. If you feel uncomfortable with something you have read or seen on the Internet, it’s ok NOT to tell your parents. False True 4. People online may not be who they say they are. Click here to continue True False

13 Thank you for learning about Internet Safety!
Remember to have fun and be safe on the Internet! Good-Bye from the Three Friendly Frogs!

14 Click here to return to quiz
YES!! You are Correct!!! Click here to return to quiz

15 Click here to return to quiz
Sorry, Try Again. Remember the story of the Three Friendly Frogs and the Internet Safety Tips you learned. Click here to return to quiz

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