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Study Skills and Revision Techniques

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Presentation on theme: "Study Skills and Revision Techniques"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Skills and Revision Techniques
How to make learning easier

2 ‘Learning is absorbing and understanding information.’
Am I Bovvered?


4 If Lauren ‘am I bovvered’ Cooper can, then you can.

5 Three Tough Truths YOU have got to do it.
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Your parents and teachers can help you, but at the end of the day it’s YOU that has got to do it. It involves motivation and will power.

6 Three Tough Truths 2. Revision takes time. There is no quick solution.
There is no quick solution. Sleeping with your book under the pillow doesn't do it.   Stop playing at other things (X-box or PS3), and start working at your revision.   The longer you leave it, the less you do, the harder it will be.

7 Three Tough Truths 3. Fix the information
Revising is remembering. It's not 'revising' unless you're fixing it into your brain.   Never just read your notes. You must always be DOING something with them to FIX the information in your brain (and probably the easiest way to do this is to write it down).   

8 What kind of learner am I?
Knowing your preferred Learning Style is the key to success.

9 Test Yourself Write down a, b or c to the following questions. Choose the one that best describes what you would do

10 1. When you get a new phone/ camera/game
Do you? Read the instructions first. Listen to the instructions. Pick it up and try to work it out yourself.

11 2. If you are trying to get somewhere new
Do you? Look on a map to see where it is. Ask for directions. Follow your nose or instincts.

12 3. You are going to cook a new dish
Do you? Follow a recipe step-by-step. Call a friend or get your mum/dad to tell you. Wing it, tasting as you go along.

13 4. You are going to teach someone something you are good at.
Do you? Write down instructions for them to follow. Explain verbally. Demonstrate then let them try.

14 5. Your friend is telling you about something that happened to them.
You’d Say. ‘I see what you mean’. ‘I hear what you are saying’. ‘I know how you feel’.

15 6. Someone is showing you a new way of doing something
You’d say ‘Show me’. ‘Tell me’. ‘Let me try’.

16 7. Now you are going to show someone else how to do it.
You’d say ‘Watch how I do it’. ‘Listen to me explain’. ‘You have a go’.

17 8.Your phone/camera/game breaks.
Do you? Write a note or letter to complain. Phone up (clearly on a different phone). Send it, or take it back, to the store.

18 9. In your spare time you.. a. Mooch around the shops.
b. Listen to music or chat. c. Play sport or are active

19 10. If given a choice as a present you would buy for someone.
Books/magazines/DVDs. Music/CDs. Tools, gadgets or games.

20 11. When you buy clothes You… Look, think how it will look, then buy.
Ask your friend or the staff, then buy. Try it on, then buy.

21 12. When you are choosing a film to go and watch
Read and see what is recommended. Listen to recommendations. Think what it will be like.

22 13. When you are choosing a new phone/camera/game
Read the reviews. Discuss with friends. Try it out then get it.

23 Count up how many a, b and c answers you have.
Mainly a – Visual Learner Learn by seeing and reading. Mainly b – Auditory Learner Learn by listening and speaking Mainly c – Physical/Tactile Learn by touching and doing.

24 How do you learn/revise best?
Visual Learners Your learning will be aided by the use of: Pictures Videos Diagrams, Graphs, Charts Mind maps Highlighting and colour-coding

25 Auditory Learners Your learning will be aided by the use of: Listening carefully Recording short notes Rhyme and rhythm Memory aids Discussing ideas with others Talking aloud

26 Your learning will be aided by the use of: ‘Hands-on’ activities
Physical/Tactile Learners Your learning will be aided by the use of: ‘Hands-on’ activities Illustrating your work Constructing drawings Mind maps Movement whilst learning

27 Most people have a mix of all three styles, but tend to favour one in particular.
Find out what works for you the best. Mix the styles

28 Make Notes 1. 'Write it down' is the best way to learn your notes.
2.   Walk around while you try to revise your notes. 3.   Write down your notes, but put them into diagrammatic form as you do so. 4.   Stick your notes on the far wall where you can't read them, then walk about at the far side of the room as you try to remember what each bit on each page said. 5.   Write down your notes on postcards, then spread them out on your table-top.


30 Don’t grab everything at once, chew it over.
If you’ve got something that works, don’t drop it.

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