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Writing a Powerful Resume

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1 Writing a Powerful Resume
Presented by: Maria Richardson, Career Center Coordinator Rebecca Ball-Coats, Student Success Center Coordinator

2 If You are looking for a career, you need a resume.
What is A Resume? If You are looking for a career, you need a resume. Your resume is your calling card, your advertisement, your brochure, your flyer. It’s a one page handout that shows what a great catch you are.

3 75% of hiring managers said they prefer a chronological resume that lists your most recent job first

4 What can you do with a resume?
Mail it it Post it online Ask friends to give it to their managers Hand it out at a career fair Give it to employment agencies

5 Is there an official format or design for a resume?
No; some formats depend on the career you are pursuing Some formats work better than others There are several formats and they can be changed and modified as needed According to research, it is best to list only the last 10 years of your work experience unless it is relevant to the position to which you are applying

6 Formatting Guidelines
Bold and enlarge (14 or 16 point font) your name at the top Keep sections evenly lined up and be consistent with spacing Use Times New Roman or Arial font Apply 11 or 12 point font size except for your name and possible section headings Omit pronouns such as “I” and do not write in complete sentences Avoid use of graphics unless you are in a creative field and have researched the appropriate use Leave out personal data, photos, and unrelated hobbies Be consistent with abbreviation of states and other repeated words (e.g., AL or Alabama) Choose 8 ½ by 11 inch paper Note: Using a resume template can often present problems in editing and uploading. Create your own document that fits your content.

7 Headings to Include on Resume
CONTACT INFORMATION (This tells the employer who you are) Located at the top of the page Type your full name (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name) Full Mailing address (street address, city, state, zip code) Telephone Number (include area code - home and cell) address (make it appropriate) GOAL or OBJECTIVE (in one sentence, tell what kind of work you want) To obtain… Seeking full-time position as a dragon slayer Seeking full-time, entry-level position as a dragon slayer (if you have little or no experience)

8 Headings to Include on Resume (cont.)
EDUCATION (start with your most recent school or program) 1st line: Name the award, degree, or certification plus the graduation date If you have not graduated, list the expected date of graduation 2nd line: List the school name, city and state Repeat for each additional school WORK EXPERIENCE (start with your most recent employer) 1st line: give your job title and dates of employment (month and year) If you still employed, list start date and the word “present” 2nd line: Employers name, city and state Next lines: List job duties and responsibilities Repeat for each additional employer

9 Headings to Include on Resume (cont.)
NO WORK EXPERIENCE, LIST ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1st line: name one of the job requirements Under that requirement, offer 2-3 substitute examples from school, sports, volunteering, or other life projects Repeat as needed SKILLS and CERTIFICATIONS List any important skills, tools, devices, programs, licenses, software, and foreign language you can operate, speak, or perform REFERENCES Available upon request (unless position requires listing on the resume)

10 Pay attention to formatting
Resume Sample Action Words: Achieved Delivered Cleaned Repaired Planned Supervised Trained Created Completed Led Maintained Produced Programmed Pay attention to formatting Pay attention to Font Style Use bullets

11 Social Media Please check your social media accounts; it may determine whether or not you get the job; employers are checking VOIC Outgoing phone message; music; voic not set up and/or full LINKEDIN Employers preferred networking tool Create a professional profile and a professional photo TWITTER Use a professional-looking avatar and follow potential employers FACEBOOK Post appropriate updates about your job search once you like a potential employers page Be careful about the tone and language used in posts

12 QUESTIONS & Comments Thank You!

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