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Elements of Plot.

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1 Elements of Plot

2 What is Plot? Plot is the order of events that make up a story.
There are five elements of plot. Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution

3 Exposition The exposition sets the scene for the whole story.
The author introduces the reader to the character(s) that the story will focus on. The author will also introduce the setting of the story. This can include a time period and geographical location.

4 Rising Action The conflict, or problem, facing the character is revealed at the beginning of the rising action. The conflict can be internal or external. There can be more than one conflict in a story. These are the events that lead up to the climax of the story. Generally, this is when the character understands his/her goal and begins to work toward it. The character may encounter smaller problems during the rising action that he/she needs to overcome.

5 Climax The climax is the point of greatest tension or action.
The climax is the turning point of the story, where the character makes the single big decision that helps defines the outcome of the story and who he/she is as a person.

6 Falling Action These events contribute to solving/overcoming the conflict and lead to the conclusion of the story.

7 Resolution The character solves/overcomes the conflict.
There is a strong sense of closure.

8 Plot Diagram Exposition Falling Action Rising Action Resolution Climax

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