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Basic English 11/ through 10/16

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Presentation on theme: "Basic English 11/ through 10/16"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic English 11/12 10-13 through 10/16
Quarter Exam Part A: Write SCR on what is a complex sentence using technical language. Finish Reading Speak. Quarter Exam Part B: Write an SCR about the theme of Speak.

2 This Week You will Be Tested on What You Have Learned:
You will write an essay describing a complex sentence making sure to accurately use the technical terms given in the work bank. You will write an essay on the theme of the book Speak. You will demonstrate your improvement on your handwriting by turning in final revisions of above paragraphs in your best handwriting.

3 Each group will review two of the following terms by using at least two of the other terms in your description: Simple sentence Subject and Verb Complete thought Compound Sentence Independent Clause Coordinating Conjunction Complex Sentence Dependent Clause Subordinating Conjunction

4 Review the events of Speak p. 150
I will write a sentence down from about p. 50. The next person will try to remember something that happened next. This will continue until we get a pretty good review of the story. Everyone will need to finish reading the book by Wednesday so we can discuss the book’s possible themes.

5 Quarter Exam Part A Describe a Complex Sentence and how it compares to a Simple Sentence making sure to accurately and clearly use the following terms: Complete thought Simple Sentence Independent clause Dependent clause Subordinating Conjunction

6 Modified Quarter Exam Part A
What is a Simple Sentence? What is a Compound Sentence? What is a Complex Sentence? Word Bank: Independent Clause, Dependent Clause, Coordinating Conjunction, Subordinating Conjunction

7 THEME Every story has a lesson to teach us through the story and the events that the characters had to go through. Sometimes there is happines, but many times there is a struggle and suffering. It is through living the range of emotions that go along with the story that helps us to learn lessons about life. The theme then is the universal message or lesson that we can apply to our lives so that we can avoid putting ourselves into the same situation. Literature can be used to teach us valuable life lessons.

8 Quarter Exam Part B What is the theme of the book Speak? Please make sure to prove what the theme of the book is by making sure to include events from the story to support your ideas.

9 Modified Quarter Exam Part B
What significant event happened in the book Speak? What did you learn from this book that can help you be a better person or live a better life?

10 Handwriting Both Exam Part A and Exam Part B will have to be rewritten and turned in using your best handwriting. A comparision of your handwriting will be done to your Handwriting Practice #5 to see if you have indeed improved.

11 Need to return books at the end of this week
We will be starting a new book next week. We will officially be done with this book as of Thursday.

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