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AUTOPLOT AUTOPLOT provides X-Y graphs, made up of straight line segments joining the data points. The data can be manipulated in a number of ways during.

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Presentation on theme: "AUTOPLOT AUTOPLOT provides X-Y graphs, made up of straight line segments joining the data points. The data can be manipulated in a number of ways during."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUTOPLOT AUTOPLOT provides X-Y graphs, made up of straight line segments joining the data points. The data can be manipulated in a number of ways during plotting, specifically by:AUTOPLOT adding or subtracting a constant multiplying or dividing by a constant raising to a power taking base 10 or natural logarithms constructing new data elements can be constructed by operating on existing elements. AUTOPLOT can access data from PHOENICS PHIDA and XYZDA files, and also from user-created files. It can plot data from many files simultaneously, allowing easy comparison of PHOENICS results with experimental or analytical results. AUTOPLOT

2 FILE & DATA Type FILE, followed by the name of the file and its type number. The available numbers are: PLOT FILE (1) TABLE FILE (2) PHIDA (3) XYZDA (4) PHI (5) XYZ (6) DF09 (7) DF12 (8) DA[TA] [n] Creates a new data element by reading data from file number n. Only need to specify n if more than one file attached. Program response depends on file type. If the response is known, it can be specified together with DATA.

3 PLOT & BLB PL[OT] [i] [j] Plot data elements i - j using a solid line to join the data points. If i & j are unspecified, all data elements in memory but not on the screen will be plotted. See also HELP on : BLOB, BLB, DOTBLOBBLBDOT BL[B]n [i] [j] Plots data elements i - j using blobs of type n. If i & j are omitted, all elements in memory but not on the screen will be plotted. 'n' is an integer in the range 1 - 5, as follows: BLB1 = circle; BLB2 = square; BLB3 = diamond; BLB4 = '+'; BLB5 = 'x'.

4 TEXT T[EXT] Allows the user to place labels on the picture. Type in a text string of up to 60 characters, ending with a 'RETURN' to activate the screen cursor. The cursor marks the left-hand end of the text string. When the cursor is in the right position, transfer the text to the screen by pressing one of the following keys : 'C' or 'c' to continue with further text; 'D' or 'd' to ignore current text string and continue; 'F' or 'f' to colour-fill to colour specified in text string; 'M' or 'm' to move last text to new position and continue; 'K' or 'k' to switch to KEY input mode; 'P' or 'p' to switch to colour number specified in text string; 'R' or 'r' to replace last text with new text and continue 'S' or 's' to change to text size specified in text string; 'X' or 'x' to ignore current text and exit TEXT mode; 'U' or 'u' to underline current text string and continue; Any other character to exit TEXT mode.

5 CLEAR, REDRAW, DUMP & QUIT CL[EAR] Clears the screen, deletes all data elements from memory and deletes all text items, levels and keys. RE[draw].... is a REPLAY command which clears the screen, and redraws the current frame. If NOCLEAR is in effect, then all the frames comprising the current picture will be redrawn. See also : REPLAY, SCALE, SHIFT, CLEAR, RESETREPLAYSCALESHIFTCLEARRESET DU[MP] Generate a screen dump on a hard-copy device if one is available. This function may not be implemented on all installations. [Quit] the current AutoPlot session.


7 Aleta 1-D -LE#2, EX(2) Uso dos comandos: FILE DATA PLOT

8 Aleta 1-D -LE#2, EX(2) - REDRAW & PLOT

9 Aleta 1-D -LE#2, EX(2) - CLEAR, DATA & BLB

10 Aleta 1-D -LE#2, EX(2) - SCALE Y

11 Aleta 1-D -LE#2, EX(2) - TEXT

12 Aleta 1-D -LE#2, EX(2) - TEXT MOVE Posicione o mouse e clique na posição desejada que o texto se move!

13 Aleta 1-D -LE#2, EX(2) - COLOUR CO[LOUR][h] [i] [j] Data elements i - j will be drawn with colour h, where h is the hexadecimal value of the required colour (ie 0-9,A-F). Colour 0 is the background colour, & colour 1 is the default plotting colour. Colour 2 is dark blue, colour F is full red, and the rest follow the spectrum.

14 Le#1, ex(2) LABIRINTO - domínio 2D múltiplas curvas Planos Y = 2 & 3 Y = 3 Y = 2

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