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Welcome to Grade 1 Teacher introductions Curriculum information

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Grade 1 Teacher introductions Curriculum information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Grade 1 Teacher introductions Curriculum information
Subject specific requirements Home study

2 English We teach the English National Curriculum (2014) which is broken down into: Reading Writing SPAG (Spelling, grammar and punctuation)

3 Phonics To support children’s progression in reading and writing a systematic program of phonics is followed. This teaches children to: -Recognise the sounds that each individual letter makes -Identify the sounds that different combinations of letters make such as ‘sh’ -Blend these sounds together from left to right to make a word. Children will be able to use this knowledge to ‘de-code’ new words. This is the first important step in learning to read. -Baselines

4 Home Study -Encourage your child to talk and give full attention to your child. -Develop your child’s enthusiasm for books by; Sharing books together, showing your child that you read books, signs, magazines etc. -To help your child learn the letters and sounds of the alphabet. -Occasionally point to letters and ask your child to say the sound and name of the letter. -Place Magnetic Letters on the fridge, hide letters in your home for a letter hunt. -Play phonics games online (see newsletter/ handout)

5 English Topics Narrative – traditional tales and fairytales
Narrative – stories with recurring literacy language Narrative – traditional tales and myths Instructions Explanations Recounts, Reports Poetry- calligrams

6 Teaching methods Through a variety of learning styles e.g. Visual
Auditory Kinesthetic/ practical activities Drama/role play Group/pair/independent work Performances

7 Maths Number and place value: estimating, counting, comparing and ordering quantities Addition and subtraction: using recall of addition and subtraction facts ,using mental calculation strategies Geometry: properties of 3D and 2D shape Measures: length, mass, capacity, money Number and place value: comparing, ordering two-digit numbers and knowing their place value

8 Maths Multiplication and division: repeated addition and subtraction, arrays, grouping and using times tables facts Fractions: finding fractions of quantities, shapes and sets of objects Geometry: position, direction, motion Measures: time Data: solving problems that involve collecting data in tallies, tables and pictograms

9 Home Study Curriculum demands and changes Weekly mathematics task
Additional support- see newsletter

10 Science Materials Night and day, living things and their habitats
Animals including humans Plants and seasonal changes -Out of school Educational Development

11 Foundation Subjects Creative learning History
Significant global events (UAE), family albums and homes, famous people Geography Local areas – introduction to maps, comparisons, Seven seas – countries and continents characteristics

12 Cross Curricular Art Design and Technology ICT
Personal, Social and Health Education

13 Thank you for listening
Time to meet your child’s class teacher and have a look around our fabulous Grade 1 department!

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