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Welcome To Denholme primary school

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Denholme primary school"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To Denholme primary school
Reception Class

2 Reception staff Mrs Pierce Teacher Miss Riley Nursery Nurse

3 School Uniform Girls: Red jumper or cardigan, white polo shirt, grey or navy skirt, dress or trousers, red or blue checked summer dress, plain black practical shoes. Boys: Red jumper, white polo shirt, dark coloured trousers or shorts, plain black practical shoes. Your child will only need pumps for P.E

4 P.e kit Your child will need the following items in their P.E kit:
-black or navy shorts -white round neck t-shirt -black pumps From the start of the year Reception children do not need an outdoor P.E kit Please can you provide a ‘pump’ bag to store your child’s P.E kit on their peg

5 Book bag From the start of the year your child will need to have a book bag. This is used to carry their reading book, letters and work they have done in class. These are available from the office and cost £6. We also have some for sale this evening.

6 NAMES!!! Please name everything that belongs to your child: Book bag
Uniform – ALL OF IT (including tights!) PE bag PE kit, including pumps Coats Outdoor items – hats, gloves, scarves

7 The classroom Inside Outside

8 A Typical Day 8.45am Morning writing activity & register 9.00am Whole class topic/literacy 9.15am Independent choice 11.30am Whole class phonics 12.00pm Lunch 1.00pm Register & whole class maths 1.20pm Independent choice 2.45pm Circle time/story/music 3.15pm Home

9 Lunch Times Reception children eat their lunch at 12.00pm
After lunch they go to play outside on the area at the side of school (or inside if it is raining) At the start of the year they will have Year 5 buddies to help them Choice of hot dinner or a sandwich Water is provided

10 Outdoor learning Waterproof coat Sensible shoes Wellies
Change of clothing

11 DRINKS and fruit Your child will be able to have free milk and fruit each morning. Your child can also bring a water bottle to school that they will have access to for the full day.

12 Library The children will have time every week to visit the library. They are allowed to take one book out every week.

13 Entry arrangements w/c Tuesday 5th September:
Morning only (8.45am until 12.00pm) Staggered start w/c Monday 11th September: Morning only (8.45am until 1.00pm). w/c Monday 18th September: Full days

14 website Please look at our class page on the school website regularly.
Important dates Photographs of the children learning Information about the topic and specific areas of learning each half term Reminders

15 Support at home Listen to your child read
Practise cursive letter formation – special book Flashcards – phonemes and tricky words Project based homework Phonics Bug Websites to help : Articulation of phonemes: Phonics games: Cursive formation: Search ‘Stephanie W lowercase letters’ on YouTube ( one video per letter)

16 Thank you for coming!

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