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En la columna a la izquierda, escriban el termino y el significado en inglés.

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Presentation on theme: "En la columna a la izquierda, escriban el termino y el significado en inglés."— Presentation transcript:

1 En la columna a la izquierda, escriban el termino y el significado en inglés.

2 portarse bien/mal- to behave good/bad

3 preocuparse (por)- to be worried (by)

4 Reírse- to laugh

5 sentirse- to feel

6 tranquilo(a)- calm

7 incómodo(a)- uncomfortable

8 nervioso(a)-nervous

9 Dolor-pain

10 aliviado(a)- relieved

11 solo(a) - lonely

12 enamorado(a)- in love

13 orgulloso(a)- proud

14 emocionado(a)- excited

15 asustado(a)- scared

16 frustrado(a)- frustrated

17 molesto(a)- annoyed

18 enojado(a)- angry

19 sorprendido(a)- surprised

20 contento(a)- happy

21 sonreírse- to smile

22 el abrazo- the hug

23 el amor- the love

24 el beso- the kiss

25 casarse (con)- to get married

26 diario- diary

27 enamorarse (de)- to fall in love with

28 llevarse bien- to get along with

29 el matrimonio- the marriage

30 la boda- the wedding

31 En la columna a la derecha, traduzcan las siguientes frases al español.

32 Homer wanted to behave himself (IMPERFECTO), but instead (en cambio), he behaved bad (IMPERFECTO).

33 I always use to get worried in April due to (por) taxes (impuestos). (IMPERFECTO)

34 They always use to laugh in class. (IMPERFECTO)

35 How do you feel today? (PRESENTE)

36 They feel calm. (PRESENTE)

37 The man feels uncomfortable with your presence (presencia). (PRESENTE)

38 She was feeling nervous. (IMPERFECTO)

39 Ronaldo was feeling (SENTIR) pain. (IMPERFECTO)

40 The man was feeling relieved. (IMPEFECTO)

41 The teenager (el adolescente) was feeling lonely. (IMPERFECTO)

42 Kito and Emma are (estar) in love! (PRESENTE)

43 We are (ESTAR) proud of our soldiers (soldados). (PRESENTE)

44 She was (ESTAR)so excited for (por) the party. (IMPERFECTO)

45 Yall were feeling scared. (IMPERFECTO)

46 Miss Schleicher was feeling frustrated with her computer! (IMPERFECTO)

47 Luis was feeling annoyed by his brothers. (IMPERFECTO)

48 We are feeling angry! (PRESENTE)

49 I am feeling surprised by the pop quiz! (PRESENTE)

50 We are feeling happy. (PRESENTE)

51 They always smiled when I use to tell them a joke.(IMPERFECTO)

52 She gave him a hug. (PRETERITO)

53 Can you feel the love tonight? (PRESENTE)

54 The man always gives his girlfriend a kiss. (PRESENTE)

55 My parents got married 25 years ago. (PRETERITO)

56 I use to write in my diary every day. (IMPERFECTO)

57 My boyfriend and I fell in love. (PRETERITO)

58 My brother and I get along well. (PRESENTE)

59 Congress (El Congreso) approved (aprobar) the law (la ley) about (de) same sex (homosexual) marriage. (PRETERITO)

60 The wedding was incredible! (PRETERITO)

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