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How do I revise?.

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Presentation on theme: "How do I revise?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do I revise?

2 Maths watch has changed
Username: Password: Moorside (initialsurname is the same as your old mathswatch user log-in!)

3 Independent revision: 20 minutes EVERY night!

4 Check your answers!

5 Student shared -> maths -> maths watch

6 Maths PiXL App – Login details
MH1697 Capital first initial followed by surname e.g. JSMITH Moorside

7 We are only using PiXL for extra revision and not for homework at the moment.
Students can target a particular grade they are aiming for, I would advise completing 2 grades below and 2 grades above also. This is a scoreboard for their class, so they can see how they’re doing compared to others. The more topics you complete correctly the higher up the board you will go. Students can analyse past papers they have completed at school. Class teachers will advise when to use this. Students can design their own test on topics that they are struggling on and the app marks it for them. There are videos and powerpoints to help. See next slide. They can target basic areas of maths that they might still be struggling with. They can then check their progress through all topics. It will give them a RAG rating and I would recommend all students aim for a green rating throughout.

8 Designing a Test Therapy videos and Therapy PowerPoints here to help with the specific topics chosen to test. Click on the topics you want to improve on, click ‘Begin Test’ and it will generate a test like this

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