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How to Turn Off or Disable Bitdefender Temporarily? Toll-free Now, we go step-by-step into temporary disabling of Bitdefender.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Turn Off or Disable Bitdefender Temporarily? Toll-free Now, we go step-by-step into temporary disabling of Bitdefender."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Turn Off or Disable Bitdefender Temporarily? 1-877-240-5577 Toll-free Now, we go step-by-step into temporary disabling of Bitdefender.

2 Step 1: You need to open the main interface of Bitdefender Security. There, there’s a link to open Modules. Go to the link to do further. From the Modules menu, you can see a section named ‘Antivirus’. And there will be a ‘Settings’ icon on the right. Click on that icon.

3 Step 2: In the coming window, you have options to turn off antivirus features of Bitdefender. So, make sure that you disable the following two options. On-Access Scanning Active Threat Control

4 Step 3: Now, you can see a pop-up window about time allocation. Here, you need to set the time for which you need to disable the antivirus protection. You can select a few minutes’ span or disable the tool until you restart the PC. According to your requirement and purpose, you can select the appropriate span of time.

5 Step 4: Now that you have disabled Bitdefender 2016, you should see the effect in the main interface of the tool. As you can see in the screenshot, it says you are AT RISK. However, after you have finished the task, make sure that you turn on the antivirus protection back. When it’s time to fix the issue, you can click on the Red button and follow the pop- up to re-enable antivirus protection.

6 Thank You! 1-877-240-5577 Toll-free

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