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11.2 The Politics of War Objectives: A. To explain why Britain remained neutral B. To explain Lincoln’s motives for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.

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Presentation on theme: "11.2 The Politics of War Objectives: A. To explain why Britain remained neutral B. To explain Lincoln’s motives for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation."— Presentation transcript:

1 11.2 The Politics of War Objectives: A. To explain why Britain remained neutral B. To explain Lincoln’s motives for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the document’s effects C. To identify the political dilemmas facing the North and the South.

2 THEME: The North effectively brought to bear its long term advantages of industrial might and human resources to wage a devastating total war against the South. The war helped organize and modernize northern society, while the South, despite heroic efforts, was economically and socially crushed.

3 Diplomacy Fails Trent Affair, late 1861 US Navy boards British steamer and captures 2 Confederate diplomats What is the Union’s problem??? Alabama raids: 1862-1864 What is the Alabama? Captured 60 US vessels, sinks 64 Britain pays $15.5 million in damages after war 1863: the Laird “rams”= Brinkmanship with UK Would have broken Union blockade and probably resulted in Union invasion of Canada King Cotton Diplomacy “old England would topple headlong and carry the whole civilized world with her... No, you dare not make war on cotton. No power on earth dares to make war upon it. Cotton is king.“ -James Henry Hammond


5 The South’s Strategy Fails: Britain stays Neutral Britain did not rush to the South’s aid. Why? 1.Britain and new sources for cotton 2.Britain is relying on Northern grain imports 3.British people did not want to support slave-society (Uncle Tom’s Cabin impact)

6 The Blockade Union extends blockade (Anaconda Plan) Begins to have success by targeting cotton ports Risks war with Britain by seizing British merchants, uses “ultimate destination” as legal cover to avoid war Blockade Runners earn profits of up to 700% 3/9/1862: Monitor v. Merrimack  end of wooden-hulled warfare, beginning of the “Ironclads”

7 Monitor v. Merrimack (Virginia)

8 Impact of Antietam

9 Emancipation Proclamation MYTH: Lincoln “freed” the slaves FACTS: look at the actual dates and words of the proclamation. Where did the Proclamation apply? TRUTH: Lincoln saved the Union, so that the Union, eventually, might free the slaves.

10 Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863 CAUSES: Lincoln does NOT believe govt. can abolish slavery HOWEVER, Union army can seize “contraband”= to hurt South’s war effort Antietam’s “victory” gives Lincoln the “opportunity” to issue preliminary proclamation on Sept. 23, 1862. Emancipates only those slaves in states still in rebellion, NOT IN THE BORDER STATES!!!

11 “... on the first day of January... all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.“ President Abraham Lincoln, preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, September 22, 1862

12 Emancipation Proclamation EFFECTS: Settles the “contraband” question. Many slaves escape North to join Union Ends the possibility of a negotiated settlement QUESTION: Did the Emancipation Proclamation “ennoble” the cause of the North?


14 DISSENT Lincoln suspends rights and freedoms: HOW?? HINT: Think MD (especially Baltimore) Copperheads- Northerners sympathetic to the South or opposed to the War What is a Copperhead? Why were they called this? NOTE: Jefferson Davis also suspended liberties in South.

15 VIDEO: Northern Internal Dissent What were the criticisms of Lincoln? How did the Copperheads get their name? VIDEO: Southern Internal Dissent What was the largest group of dissenters in the South? What was the “20 Negro law”? What were the two largest areas of Union support in the South?


17 CONSCRIPTION (=DRAFT) NORTH: Started in 1863 Ages 20-45 for 3 years Substitutes allowed Commutations for $300 Bounties paid to volunteers 92% of army volunteered SOUTH: Started in 1862 Ages 18-35 Exemptions for slaveholders with 20 slaves or more Substitutes allowed 80% of eligible men served IMPORTANT: Rich man’s war, poor man’s fight. Not everyone was in favor of war.


19 Quiz 2/2 What did Lincoln issue to

20 TERMS Emancipation Proclamation Habeas Corpus Copperhead Conscription Bounty Objectives: A. To explain why Britain remained neutral B. To explain Lincoln’s motives for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the document’s effects C. To identify the political dilemmas facing the North and the South.

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