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BRAZIL BY FOOD WE’LL SHOW YOU SOME FOOD WHICH ARE THE MOST CONSUMED BY BRAZILIANS Camila Fernandes Santos; Paula Galvão Izuno 9th grade – Colégio Beka–

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Presentation on theme: "BRAZIL BY FOOD WE’LL SHOW YOU SOME FOOD WHICH ARE THE MOST CONSUMED BY BRAZILIANS Camila Fernandes Santos; Paula Galvão Izuno 9th grade – Colégio Beka–"— Presentation transcript:

1 BRAZIL BY FOOD WE’LL SHOW YOU SOME FOOD WHICH ARE THE MOST CONSUMED BY BRAZILIANS Camila Fernandes Santos; Paula Galvão Izuno 9th grade – Colégio Beka– São Paulo - Brazil

2 Northeast region is best know for: Acarajé With shrimp Baião de dois beans, cheese

3 Noth region is best know for: Roasted fish Moqueca de Pirarucu ( a fish too)

4 Southeast region is best know for: Canjica – made with corn and milk. Feijoada Brazilian slaves leave us this delicious “heritage”. They prepared this plate with the parts of the animals that the farmers didn’t eat.

5 South region is best know for: Barbecue They had a special way to prepare the meat. Chimarrão People in South drink this hot bevarage during winter, summer, fall and spring.

6 Midwest region is best know for: Patty Frango com quiabo

7 There are some food that are consumed in many places in Brazil like: CoxinhaPão de queijoRequeijão Feijão TropeiroPão FrancêsBrigadeiro

8 Brazil is a place where you can find many different kinds of food from the world’s cousine, such as: Sushi (Japan)Hamburguer (USA) Yakissoba (China)Pasta (Italy)

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