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Jessica Sumner. This is an article about a lesbian couple and the struggle they had to go through. Lois Marrero and Mickie Mashburn met while working.

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Presentation on theme: "Jessica Sumner. This is an article about a lesbian couple and the struggle they had to go through. Lois Marrero and Mickie Mashburn met while working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jessica Sumner

2 This is an article about a lesbian couple and the struggle they had to go through. Lois Marrero and Mickie Mashburn met while working at the police department in Tampa Florida in 1986. They began their relationship as just friends but eventually fell in love and had a commitment ceremony. They spent their day offs together by exercising, volunteering for the AIDS foundation, and attending sporting events. THE COUPLE

3 On July 6, 2001 Mickie was notified that Lois was shot by a bank robber and was killed at the age of 40. The police department helped make the funeral arrangements and were supportive of Mickie. Shortly after the funeral, things began to change. Lois’ family who once supported and loved Mickie opposed Mickie’s survivor benefits totaling around half a million dollars. TRAGEDY

4 The Pension Board ruled that the money be awarded to her estate. Since Lois had not written a will, the money was given to her blood relatives. Lois’ family also demanded that Mickie hand over photos, albums, and other personal artifacts to them. Mickie is currently fighting the pension board’s ruling. TRAGEDY

5 In the 1970s a movement began to obtain marriage rights and benefits for same-sex couples. Before the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was passed, The Federal government did not actually define marriage. So any marriage that was seen as a marriage in the state’s eye was a marriage in the Federal government’s as well. With the passing of DOMA (1996) however, marriage became defined in federal law as “a union of one man and one women”. MARRIAGE RIGHTS

6 DOMA has been challenged in the federal court system on several occasions. In 2010, the District Court of Massachusetts ruled “that the denial of federal rights and benefits to lawfully married same-sex couples is unconstitutional under the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.” Since then, eight more federal courts have found DOMA to be unconstitutional. As of today, nine state governments have legalized same-sex marriage. MARRIAGE RIGHTS

7 One same-sex couple stated the complications they have faced: “I had to list Karane as my sister just so that someone would call her in the event that I’m killed or missing in action, or I’m hurt on the job. She can’t be my emergency contact, she can’t receive my remains. As far as my death benefit, I had to list her as ‘other’”. They add, “It’s like we have to still go above and beyond just to get to where heterosexual couples already are.” Cases like this one and Mickie’s and Lois can be seen all across America and the world. ANOTHER COUPLE

8 A lesbian couple (Edith Windsor and Thea Spyer) from Greenwich Village married in Canada in 2007. When Ms. Spyer died two years later, her spouse inherited her estate totaling $4.1 million. Because she was not seen as Spyer’s spouse, under DOMA Windsor was not exempt from paying a federal estate tax that normally would be exempt had it been a heterosexual marriage. Windsor is currently challenging DOMA arguing that it violates the U.S. Constitution for equal rights. Her case was heard by the Supreme Court on March 27 th of this year. A ruling is expected in June. ANOTHER COUPLE


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