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Good Morning!   Please find a seat at a table that has materials.   We hope you have your Common Core Math binder with you. If you don’t, please go.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning!   Please find a seat at a table that has materials.   We hope you have your Common Core Math binder with you. If you don’t, please go."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning!   Please find a seat at a table that has materials.   We hope you have your Common Core Math binder with you. If you don’t, please go and get it.

2 Tasks and the Common Core Mathematical Practices Higgins Elementary December 19, 2012 Trish Dunn and Nicole Leitz L’Anse Creuse Public Schools K-8 Mathematics Coaches

3 Goals for the Day 1.Review Math Practices 2.Define rich task and consider the aspects of implementation 3.Discuss the importance of getting manipulatives into the hands of students. 4.Observe one teacher’s practice as she works with her students on a task

4 Let’s Get Moving  Using your card, find your group and take a seat at your groups table

5 Common Core State Standards Mathematics  Standards for Content  Standards for Practice

6 Standards for Mathematical Practice 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

7 The Standards for Mathematical Practice Take a moment to examine the first three words of each of the eight mathematical practices… what do you notice? Mathematically proficient students…

8 8 The Standards for Mathematical Practice What are the verbs that illustrate the student actions for your assigned mathematical practice?  Circle, highlight or underline them for your assigned practice…  Discuss with a partner: How does this practice compare to your current practice?

9 9 The Standards for Mathematical Practice #1: Explain and make conjectures… #2: Make sense of… #3: Understand and use… #4: Apply and interpret… #5: Consider and detect… #6: Communicate precisely to others… #7: Discern and recognize… #8: Notice and pay attention to…

10 10 Standards for Mathematical Practice The eight Standards for Mathematical Practice place an emphasis on students… doing mathematics and demonstrating learning.

11 Goals for the Day 1.Review Math Practices 2.Define Rich Task and consider the aspects of implementation 3.Discuss the importance of getting manipulatives into the hands of students. 4.Observe one teacher’s practice as she works with her students on a task.

12 The Nature of Tasks Used in the Classroom … Tasks as they appear in curricular materials Student learning Will Impact Student Learning!

13 A sample problem about money…   Using coins, show $1.48 in two ways.

14 A sample problem about money…

15 But, what teacher do with the tasks matters too! Stein, Grover & Henningsen (1996) Smith & Stein (1998) Stein, Smith, Henningsen & Silver (2000) The Mathematical Tasks Framework Tasks as they appear in curricular materials Student learning Tasks as set up by teachers Tasks as enacted by teachers and students

16 Launch, Explore, Summary   How much money will each friend get?

17 What do we mean by RICH TASK?  High cognitive demand  Significant content  Require justification or explanation  Make connections between two or more representations  Open-ended  Multiple ways to enter the task and to show competence

18 Goals for the Day 1.Review Math Practices 2.Define Rich Task and consider the aspects of implementation 3.Discuss the importance of getting manipulatives into the hands of students. 4.Observe one teacher’s practice as she works with her students on a task.

19 Making Math Hands On   What was the benefit of having the money in front of you for this task?

20 Goals for the Day 1.Review Math Practices 2.Define Rich Task and consider the aspects of implementation 3.Discuss the importance of getting manipulatives into the hands of students. 4.Observe one teacher’s practice as she works with her students on a task.

21 Let’s Take a Closer Look at Teacher Practice I am buying lunch for the 3 rd grade teachers today. I called ahead and ordered the lunches. They each cost $4.12 and we have 4 teachers eating lunch. If I only have $20.00 will I have enough money to pay the bill? If I do, will I have enough left over to purchase drinks?

22 Let’s Take a Closer Look at Teacher Practice  problem-solving-math problem-solving-math problem-solving-math

23 Common Core State Mathematical Practice Standards 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically 6. Attend to precision 7. Look for and make use of structure 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning 23

24 Where do we find Rich Tasks  Illustrative Mathematics  K-5 Math Teaching Resources  Illuminations  Everyday Math  Math Expressions

25 Reflection

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