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JumpStart 16 Making Calls 2 October & November Weekly Sales Meeting Topic Program Rules & Information.

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1 JumpStart 16 Making Calls 2 October & November Weekly Sales Meeting Topic Program Rules & Information


3 What is Calling? Prospecting! What Kind? Active Prospecting (Speaking to a Decision Making Adult) There is also: Passive Prospecting (Emails, Social Media…) You should have a combination of both kinds of prospecting!

4 Why Make Calls? A Touch Doesn’t cost much Time effective Something to say Why not? You might get some business!

5 Who should you call? (And look – they all have dialogues you can use!) SOI WTW #12-16 Farm WTW #25 Around Open Houses WTW #9-10 Around New Listings WTW #1-3 Around Sales WTW #4,5,6 Past Clients WTW #12-16 FSBOs WTW #21-24 Expired Listings WTW #19-20 *WTW – Words That Work

6 When you call – use a dialogue/script!  Dialogues help you:  Know what to say  Overcome objections  Build your confidence  Conversation is absorbed:  Words – 7%  Tonality – 38%  Body Language – 55%

7 Why do most Real Estate people resist using scripts? Our ego stops us because we think we know a better way. We are afraid that the script may make us look like a salesperson. We don’t know what the scripts are; therefore, we can’t use them. We don’t see selling Real Estate as a sales activity. Scripts take us out of our comfort zone. We are used to letting the customer control the conversation. Scripts don’t allow time to bond with the customer. We are simply too lazy to learn them. We are independent contractors; you can’t tell us what to do. Using scripts might cause us to succeed. Many of us are afraid of success.

8 What are the advantages to you and the prospect in using scripts? Scripts give us the confidence to do our job. We don’t waste the prospect’s time or our own. They allow us to stay focused and in the present moment. Scripts allow us to discuss what is important to the seller, nothing else. They provide consistency in what we say and do. The agent remains in control, as a salesperson should. Scripts provide information so the customer can make a valid decision. The prospect or customer receives the exact benefits of working with us and using our service. Most importantly, the customer wins and we win.

9 Dialoguing – How?  Slow  Accentuate important words  Voice down at end of question  Words that Work (not words that don’t)  Do dialogue AS IS when practicing

10 BE the Owl…WHOO Do You Know Right Now Looking to Buy Or Sell…

11 The next few slides are some examples of the Words That Work Dialogues

12 Call Around a Listing – Yours or Our Company’s Listing WTW #2  Good morning, my name is __________ with _______.  I wanted you to know that I/we just listed your neighbor’s home and I am on a mission to find them a great buyer!  The house is located at ________. It has ___ bedrooms and _____ baths and is currently listed for _______ (price).  Who can you think of that might be interested in living in your area?  If you happen to think of anyone, would you be kind enough to give me a call? Thank you, I really appreciate it.  While I have you on the phone, do you know of anyone else in town that might be thinking of buying or selling?  Thank you so much for your time and by the way, how about yourself, when do you plan on moving?  Again, my name is ______ with _______. Have a great day!

13 Call Around a Sale – Yours or Our Company’s Sale WTW #4  Hi, my name is __________ with _______.  The reason for my call is to let you know that I/we just sold your neighbor’s home, the _______ (name of sellers) located at ________. It was a _________ (style) home with ___ bedrooms and _____ baths and it sold for _______ (price).  I was checking to see if you know of anyone else in the neighborhood that might be thinking of selling.  Ok, again my name is ____________ with _________.  By the way, how about yourself, do you have any future plans?  If I can ever be of service to you, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. Thank you for your time. I really appreciate it.

14 Open House Invitation WTW #9 Good morning! This is _______ with _______. The reason for my call is to let you know that I’ll be holding your neighbor’s home at _______ open this _______ from _______ until _______. I’d like to invite you to come by and see the home…and also to ask you…who do you know that might like to live in the neighborhood? Thank you for your time and I hope that you’ll stop by. By the way, I am confident we are going to attract a number of qualified buyers who are going to be interested in living in your neighborhood. Who can you think of that might be selling within the next several months? Well, thank you again. Hope to see you there. Have a great day!

15 SPHERE of INFLUENCE/PAST CLIENT WTW #12 Hi, this is _______ with _______. How are you? I called because I wanted to ask you a favor. Do you mind? Would you feel comfortable referring me to your friends and family that might need real estate help? Who do you know right now in your family or at work that might want to buy or sell a home? Well, I appreciate you taking the time to think about it. Would you mind if I checked in with you every few months or see if you come across someone? Thank you so much. I truly appreciate it. As I am sure you are aware, referrals are critical to my business, so thank you in advance for your help. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you ever need anything, ok? Thanks again.

16 SPHERE of INFLUENCE/PAST CLIENT WTW #13 Hi, this is _______ with _______. How are you? I know it’s been a while and I hope you and your family are doing well. Everyone I meet is always asking me how the real estate business is doing. So, I have decided to send out a monthly market update by email showing the local real estate activity and trends. Is that something you might be interested in? What is the best email address to send it to? I will make sure you get the newest one immediately and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you again.

17 Expired Listings: Questions to Ask the Seller WTW #20 1. When do you plan on interviewing the most reliable agent to help you sell your home? 2.Are you aware of the fact that your home is no longer on the market? 3.When you sell your home, where are you planning to move to? 4.How soon do you want to be in your new home? 5.Why do you think your home didn’t sell? 6.How did you choose your previous agent? 7.Tell me what your agent did that you liked best? 8.Tell me what your agent did that you liked least? 9.Was there any part of the previous marketing effort that you felt had value? 10.Did your agent communicate with you on a regular basis? 11.So you don’t make the same mistake twice, what will you demand in your next agent? 12.What would happen if your home doesn’t’ sell in the next ____ days? 13.If I could show you a unique marketing plan that could sell your home within the next 30 days and net you more money than your previous broker, would that be of interest to you? Note: Rather than learning multiple dialogues for an expired listing, try memorizing the above questions and talking points. This will allow you to be flexible, conversational and impactful.

18 Go to 1) Enter the address of the open house… 2) List of neighbors come up…(scroll down for all) How Do I Find Phone Numbers of Neighbors (If calling around an open or new listing or sale, etc…) 1) 2) 3) Click on the neighbor’s name Their address & numbers will come up 3)

19 The NRT Do Not Contact System will help you identify phone numbers which appear on the Federal Do Not Call list as well as any applicable state list and NRT Company Specific Do Not Call lists. There is also an FAQ that answers questions such as: Can I call a FSBO or an expired listing? Can I call neighbors of a new listing to invite them to an open house? What if I am doing a survey? What is a personal relationship? What if I call someone on his or her business phone? And more…….. What About the Do Not Call Rules? Visit: Click:

20 How many calls do I need to make?

21 Rule of Thumb If your annual goal is 18 transactions… Speak to 18 decision making adults (contacts)… 5 days a week… 48 weeks out of the year… Another example: 24 transactions Make 24 contacts 5 days/week 48/weeks year

22 Keep Track Using Some Type of Tracking Form!

23 Let’s Make Some Calls! You may get a client… AND Bonus – during JumpStart 16 25 calls – 1 Drawing Entry

24 JumpStart 16 Making Calls 2 October & November Weekly Sales Meeting Topic Program Rules & Information

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