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Doctrine Survey SESSION 14: WHAT DO WE HAVE?. Assurance and Security: Because we are promised presence. Because the Scripture is clear about God’s control.

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Presentation on theme: "Doctrine Survey SESSION 14: WHAT DO WE HAVE?. Assurance and Security: Because we are promised presence. Because the Scripture is clear about God’s control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Doctrine Survey SESSION 14: WHAT DO WE HAVE?

2 Assurance and Security: Because we are promised presence. Because the Scripture is clear about God’s control of the outcome. Because it does not depend on us. Because works never secure salvation.

3 Cru Doctrinal Position Cru's doctrinal position states that a Christian can have assurance of salvation based on the witness of the Holy Spirit. "It is the privilege of all who are born again of the Spirit to be assured of their salvation from the very moment in which they trust Christ as their Savior. This assurance is not based upon any kind of human merit, but is produced by the witness of the Holy Spirit, who confirms in the believer the testimony of God in His written Word."

4 Distinction between Assurance of Salvation and Security. Security is something that God insures by His work. Assurance is the experience of the believer based on three marks:

5 Major views on security: Calvinist (Reformed): Once you are saved, you can never be lost. Wesleyan (Arminian): When you believe you are forgiven and saved; if you later choose not to believe, salvation may be lost (some hold). Catholic: Venial sins cause you to lose fellowship; Mortal sins cause you to lose salvation.

6 Assurance of Salvation How is it Confirmed? PROMISES 1 John 5:11-13 Romans 8:38-39 C H A N G E D L I F E M t. 7 : 2 0 J a m e s 2 : 2 0 INTERNAL WITNESS Romans 8:16 Phil. 2:13 1 2 3

7 What If There Is No Fruit? (Over a Period of Time) 1.Share about walking in the power of the Spirit. 2.Share 2 Cor. 13:5

8 Because the Scripture is clear The permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 4:6 -- if you are a “son,” God has sent the Spirit into your heart. Rom. 8:9 -- you are not a Christian unless the Holy Spirit is in you. 1 Cor. 6:15-20 -- the Holy Spirit will never leave you because of your immoral behavior. This means if God sends a believer to hell, the Holy Spirit would go to hell right along with him!

9 Evidences for Security The finished work of Christ. Primary scripture passage: John 19:30 -- His work of salvation was completed on the cross. He paid it all; there are no other `works' that need to be done to earn it or make it secure.

10 The Christian is in Christ. Primary scripture passage: 2 Cor. 5:17 -- to be a Christian is to be "in Christ;" to be a member of His Body. Whatever happens to you happens to Christ. The holding power of Christ. Primary scripture passage: John 10:27-30 -- No one can take them out of His hand. Evidences for Security

11 The Priesthood of Christ. Primary scripture passage: Heb. 7:24- 25 -- He is able to save forever. Heb. 9:11-14 -- His priesthood and sacrifice are superior to the Old Testament system.

12 Evidences for Security The Immutability of God. Primary scripture passage: 2 Timothy 2:13 -- His faithfulness is not dependent on ours! Romans 8:31-34: If God was 'for us' in sending his Son to die in our place, nothing can make Him turn against us.

13 Evidences for Security The Will of the Father. Primary scripture passage: John 6:37- 40 -- it is the Father's will that the Son “lose nothing.” Are we willing to say that Jesus may fail to do the Father's will?

14 Works Do Not Secure Our Salvation Keeping our salvation can become a subtle works system. We are saved by grace. Do we keep it by obedience? How can I fully concentrate on Jesus if there is something I might do to lose my salvation? Only faith allows us to produce quality works in dependence on Christ. 1 Cor. 3:15

15 Doctrine Survey SESSION 14: WHAT DO WE HAVE?

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