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February 9, 2011 Lesson Sixteen. Key Question: How did I get my faith in Jesus?

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1 February 9, 2011 Lesson Sixteen

2 Key Question: How did I get my faith in Jesus?

3 Faith: Trust in God and his promises

4 1. Why is faith important? a. John 3:16* God's love in Jesus wants to save all, but only those who believe have eternal life. b. Mark 16:16* Without faith, I am condemned to hell

5 † Salvation Eteranal Life Death, Damnation, Hell

6 2. Why can't I create my own faith? a. Ephesians 2:1* I was spiritually dead, powerless, and lost b. Romans 8:6, 7 My mind was hostile against God c. John 15:16* So we were unable to choose Jesus

7 2. Why can't I create my own faith? I cannot by my own thinking or choosing believe in Jesus Christ my Lord or come to him (Luther's Small Catechism, © Northwestern Publishing House)

8 3. How did faith come into my heart? a. Ephesians 1:3-5* God freely chose me according to his good will from eternity, before he created the world b. Ephesians 1:3-5* God chose me because of his grace (I don't deserve to be chosen) and because of what Jesus did for me. My salvation depends entirely on God. (election, predestination)

9 3. How did faith come into my heart? c. Romans 5:5* Because God chose me, he sent the Holy Spirit through the Gospel to create faith in my heart Election: The Bible teaching that in Jesus God's good will freely chose me by grace (I don't deserve to be chosen).

10 4. Who is the Holy Spirit? a. 2 Corinthians 13:14* Holy Spirit: True God with the Father and the Son in the Holy Trinity.

11 God Father Son Spirit IS is NOT



14 4. Who is the Holy Spirit? a. 2 Corinthians 13:14* Holy Spirit: True God with the Father and the Son in the Holy Trinity. b. 2 Thessalonians 2:13 He does the work of sanctification Sanctification: The Holy Spirit's work of calling me to faith in Jesus c. 2 Thessalonians 2:14* He uses the Gospel to do this work

15 Gospel: The Good News about all that Jesus did to save me Means of Grace: The tool God uses to bring me his undeserved love, which promises forgiveness in Jesus. Means of Grace = Gospel

16 Key Question: How did I get my faith in Jesus? I could not create my own faith, but the Holy Spirit called me by the Gospel according to God's good will that chose me in Jesus from eternity by grace (undeserved by me).

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