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There are 4 lessons on Alcohol and Drugs. These slides are presented here as samples of one of the lessons…(the videos are not included in the samples)

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Presentation on theme: "There are 4 lessons on Alcohol and Drugs. These slides are presented here as samples of one of the lessons…(the videos are not included in the samples)"— Presentation transcript:

1 There are 4 lessons on Alcohol and Drugs. These slides are presented here as samples of one of the lessons…(the videos are not included in the samples)


3 Unit: Alcohol and Marijuana Day #2 Progressive effects of Alcohol The primary learning outcomes desirable from this 2nd lesson are as follows: 1)Understand the progressive debilitating effects of alcohol upon the body and brain. 2)Make relevant applications of this knowledge. 3)Understand that binge drinking can lead to overdose and death. 4)An understanding that only time eliminates alcohol from the body.

4 This 19 year old had a BAC (blood alcohol concentration) of over.20

5 1)Alcohol is a drug which acts upon the body as a depressant in the central nervous system (brain). TRUE Alcohol survey questions 1-2 2)Alcohol is a stimulant to the central nervous system (brain). FALSE – although at lower BAC levels it does act as a stimulant. Alcohol slows brain functions Let’s now notice some facts about the process of intoxication...

6 What determines how fast a person becomes intoxicated? SIZE OF PERSON (body weight) METABOLISM (how fast the body works) TYPE OF BEVERAGE CONSUMED RATE OF DRINKING FOOD IN STOMACH Let’s now explore the progression of intoxication

7 We’ll trace the flow of alcohol from the time one starts to drink until complete intoxication The progressive effects of intoxication Once in the stomach... … it proceeds through the stomach wall lining…...directly into the blood stream. Within a few minutes, alcohol affects the brain reducing the normal flow of oxygen to the brain.

8 3)The reason drinking and driving can be dangerous is that alcohol prevents the brain from doing those normal functions required for driving? TRUE Alcohol survey questions 3-4 Again, the reduction of oxygen and the direct effect of the alcohol impairs the brain’s functions 4)The cerebrum is affected by alcohol first before other parts of the brain are affected? TRUE

9 within 10-20 minutes CEREBRUM - thinking and reasoning processes slow down (takes 2-3 times longer to decide what to do) - memory affected - judgment impaired (driver takes risky chances)

10 5) Drinking tends to make a person feel more self-confident even though his or her skills may be decreasing. TRUE Alcohol survey question 5 A false sense of self-confidence is experienced as the euphoria intensifies in the Brain Stem.

11 BRAIN STEM - Euphoria sets in (the high) results in a false sense of overconfidence - Inhibitions are released silly, loud, depressed, obnoxious - Emotions intensified - also controls heart beat and breathing How can stronger emotions affect driving? (give some examples) within 10-20 minutes another 10-20 minutes

12 6)When people drink alcoholic beverages, they lose their muscular coordination before they lose their reasoning and judgmental abilities? FALSE Alcohol survey question 6 If drinking continues, the next part of the brain affected is the cerebellum

13 10-20 min. 10-20 min. 30-60 minutes total time 10-20 min. CEREBELLUM controls muscle coordination Large muscles: arms & legs; then smaller muscles: eyes and tongue slurred speech blurry vision Driver has major difficulty controlling vehicle TOTALLY INTOXICATED

14 10-20 min. 10-20 min. 10-20 min. HOW IS THIS INFORMATION IMPORTANT? TOTALLY INTOXICATED You or a friend who is driving you…may be in STAGE 2 (not showing any physical coordination problems as of yet… you may think it is safe to drive or ride with that person) …but in a short time the alcohol will begin to affect the muscular coordination and vision. 30-60 minutes total time

15 After several drinks a driver may see multiple images Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit 40 STOP ONE WAY

16 A driver in an advance stage of intoxication would have difficulty seeing this pedestrian Night vision is significantly reduced after drinking.

17 7)All the mental and physical abilities required to operate an automobile are affected if a person drinks enough? TRUE 8)A person can become unconscious and even die from drinking too much? TRUE Alcohol survey questions 7-8

18 It’s late Saturday afternoon, and you’ve been waiting twenty minutes for your 18 year old brother to pick you up from soccer practice. He finally shows up. You smell alcohol on him, he is slurring his words, and not in a good mood…but insists he is able to drive. The field is five miles from your home, your father is out of town and your mother is taking care of your younger brothers and sisters. You have no money on you…but there is a cell phone in the car. I would:____________________________________ (your objective is to get yourself and your brother home safely)

19 You baby sat tonight for 2 children while their mother went to party. The mother, who is your mother’s best friend offers to drive you home. But she is so drunk she had trouble getting into the house at 2 am. She pays you but you need every cent of the money for new clothes so you don’t want to take a cab. I would tell her: _________________

20 Your 17 year old sister has a date with her boyfriend. He just came in the door and he’s obviously drunk since he knocked over a lamp and has talked only nonsense. You go up stairs and tell your sister he is drunk. She tells you to mind your own business. You know they are going in his car to a party on the other side of town. Your parents are next door with friends. I would:_________________

21 You are getting a ride home from a friend. His date is with him in the front seat, and you are with yours in the back. You’d like to be concentrating on your date, but your friend is pretty drunk. What would you do?_____________

22 Your dad has been drinking and watching the ball game on TV. He insists he will take you and your mother shopping. I could: ___________________ You are getting a ride home from a friend. His date is with him in the front seat, and you are with yours in the back. You’d like to be concentrating on your date, but your friend is pretty drunk. What would you do?_____________

23 If at a party, my friends start pressuring me to drink… (but I do not want to) I can tell them:_____________

24 If a friend of mine was about to ride in a car with a driver who had been drinking I could: ______________________ If at a party, my friends start pressuring me to drink… (but I do not want to) I can tell them:_____________

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