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VIETNAM DIVIDES THE NATION Chapter 25, Section 3 By Mr. Bruce Diehl.

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1 VIETNAM DIVIDES THE NATION Chapter 25, Section 3 By Mr. Bruce Diehl

2 I. A Growing Credibility Gap A.When American Troops first entered the Vietnam War, many Americans supported military effort. B.Credibility gap 1.As the war in Vietnam continued to drag on, public support decreased. 2.Americans began to question the government 3.The public began to distrust what the Johnson administration said about the war.

3 Explaining Why was Vietnam the first televised war? (p.785)

4 II. An Antiwar Movement Emerges A.As the casualties increased, Americans, especially college students, began to publicly protest the war.

5 B.Teach Ins 1.In March 1965, faculty and students at the University of Michigan abandoned their classes 2.They formed a teach- in where they informally discussed issues of the war and why they opposed it. 3.This triggered teach- ins at many college campuses.

6 C.The Draft 1.Young protestors focused their attention on what they felt was an unfair draft system. 2.College students could delay military service until graduation, called a “deferment”. 3.Those with low-income and limited education were called to serve. 4.As a result, minorities, especially African Americans, were called to war. 5.Many draftees refused to serve. 6.Others moved to Canada and other nations.

7 D.Hawks and Doves - By 1968 the nation seemed divided into two camps 1.The doves wanted the United States to withdraw from the war. 2.The hawks felt the United States should stay and fight.

8 Explaining What led to the passage of the Twenty-sixth Amendment? (p.787)

9 III. 1968: The Pivotal Year A.The Tet Offensive 1.On January 30, 1968, during Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, the Vietcong and North Vietnamese launched a surprised attack 2.In the attack, VC fighters and NV regulars hit American airbases in South Vietnam as well as the South’s major cities and provincial capitals.

10 3.Militarily Tet was a disaster for the Communists 4.It was a political victory that shocked Americans. 5.As a result, the approval rating for the president plummeted.

11 B.1968 Presidential Election 1.Eugene McCarthy (D) and Senator Robert Kennedy (D) entered the 1968 presidential race as “dove” candidates. 2.Johnson withdrew from the presidential race, announcing his decision in an address to the nation on March 31, 1968. 3.In April Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated. 4.Two months later, Robert Kennedy was also assassinated.

12 5.Democratic National Convention in Chicago - a clash between protesters and police erupted. 6.Republican presidential candidate, Richard Nixon, benefited from chaos a.An independent, Governor George Wallace of Alabama further split the Democrats. b.Nixon promised to regain order and end the war in Vietnam.

13 C.Johnson proposed a cease fire in an attempt to help the Democratic campaign 7.Democratic nominee Hubert Humphrey lost to Richard Nixon

14 Explaining Why did President Johnson not run for re-election in 1968? (p.789)

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