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Portion Size Pointers Helping parents right-size servings.

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Presentation on theme: "Portion Size Pointers Helping parents right-size servings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Portion Size Pointers Helping parents right-size servings

2 You Will Learn 1. Serving sizes 2. Right-sizing for your child 3. Managing portions 4. Food labels

3 Where to Start?  YOU are the most important influence in your child’s life  Your child watches and imitates your behaviors


5 Right-Size Portioning Eat well … but not too much

6 Everyone Eats Different Amounts... and That is OK


8  Dairy  Vegetables  Fruits  Grains  Protein 5 Food Groups

9 2- to 5-Year-Olds Don't Eat Much

10 Dairy: Milk, Yogurt, Cheese 6-8 years old: 2 ½ cups per day 9 years old to adult: 3 cups per day

11 Moving Dairy Into Your Daily Food Choices The milk in this bowl of cereal is ½ cup.. Measure ½ cup with half of your fist.

12 Vegetables 6-8 years old: 1 ½ cups per day 9 years old to adult: 3 cups per day

13 Enjoy a Variety of Veggies Each Week

14 Fruits 6 years old to adult: 1 ½ to 2 cups per day

15 Fit Fruit Into Your Day

16 Grains: Breads, cereals, pasta 1 serving = 1 ounce This equals: 1 slice bread 1 corn tortilla ½ cup cooked rice or pasta 1 cup dry cereal ½ cup cooked cereal 6 years old to adult: about 6 ounces per day

17 Gear Up for Whole Grains Each Day - It’s SIMPLE! Half fist ½ cup

18 Protein: Meats, Beans, Nuts 6 years old to adult: 4 to 6 ounces per day

19 Muscle Protein Into Your Daily Choices

20 It’s Your Turn Now!


22 Find the serving size. One container isn’t always one serving. This container has 3 servings. Drinking the whole container is 510 calories! Read the Label

23 Restaurant Meals

24 Portions at Home  Help children learn what a serving looks like  Prepare and eat more meals at home

25 A Review of What You Learned 1. Estimate food serving sizes 2. Right-size servings for your child 3. Manage food portions 4. Read food labels

26 More at Portion Size Pointers for Parents Parent Education Toolkit

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