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Forensics Facts about DNA Cells Who’s related to who? 10 20 30 40 50.

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2 Forensics Facts about DNA Cells Who’s related to who? 10 20 30 40 50

3 Forensics (10 points) What is Forensics?

4 Answer It is the process of using Science to figure out who did something. Police use it to find out who did crimes!

5 Forensics (20 points) Name 3 places we can get someone’s DNA from?

6 Answer Hair Cheek cells Skin cells Saliva Tears Blood

7 Forensics (30 points) DNA from the cookie jar and 3 suspects were extracted and processed? Who had taken the last cookie? DNA from Ice Cream Tub Suspect 1Suspect 2Suspect 3

8 Answer Suspect 2!

9 Forensics (40 points) Why do we need to push DNA through a gel? What happens when we do?

10 Answer This step allows us to separate the different sized pieces. When we run a DNA gel, the larger pieces get slowed down more and end up near the top, while the smaller pieces slide through and end up near the bottom.

11 Forensics (50 points) What are the four steps we have to do before we can find out the culprit of the crime?

12 Answer Collect DNA that was left behind and DNA from the culprits Extract the DNA Cut the DNA with special molecular scissors Run it on a gel

13 Facts about DNA (10 points) What are the letters of the DNA alphabet?

14 Answer A, G, T, C

15 Facts about DNA (20 points) Which letters of the DNA pair with each other?

16 Answer A pairs with T G pairs with C

17 Facts about DNA (30 points) Why is DNA important?

18 Answer Instruction manual for your body Make us look like our parents! Makes us unique from everyone Keeps us healthy (if it is damaged, we can get cancer)

19 Facts about DNA (40 points) How long is the DNA in a cell if we stretched it out?

20 Answer 3 meters long!

21 Facts about DNA (50 points) What does DNA stand for?

22 Answer Deoxyribose nucleic acid

23 Cells (10 points) What is a cell?

24 Answer They are living bubbles that have machines to help them make energy and make things for our body! They are like lego blocks that make us up! There are many types of cells that do special functions (for example, brain cells, muscle cells and stomach cells)

25 Cells (20 points) Where is the DNA located in a cell?

26 Answer nucleus

27 Cells (30 points) What is DNA used for in a cell?

28 Answer It’s an instruction manual for the cell to make all the things it needs!

29 Cells (40 points) What is the size of a cell?

30 Answer Micrometers 1 m= 100 cm= 1000 mm = 1 000 000 micrometer

31 Cells (50 points) Where is the factory for making things in a cell?

32 Answer Ribosomes!

33 Who’s related to who? (10 points) How closely related are we to bananas? (what % is our DNA similar to a bananas?)

34 Answer 50%

35 Who’s related to who? (20 points) How closely related are we to chimpanzees? (what % is our DNA similar to a chimpanzee?)

36 Answer 95%

37 Who’s related to who? (30 points) Why do we look a bit like our mom and a bit like our dad?

38 Answer We get 50% of our DNA from our mom and 50% of our DNA from our dad.

39 Who’s related to who? (40 points) Why do you look like your siblings but not exactly the same?

40 Answer Although we get 50% of our DNA from each parent, we get different bits from each parent compared to our siblings!

41 Who’s related to who? (50 points) What is the relationship between these two people?

42 Answer They’re unrelated!

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